Health and Physical Education / Year 7 and 8 / Movement and physical activity / Making active choices

Curriculum content descriptions

participate in physical activities that utilise community spaces and outdoor settings, and evaluate strategies to support increased use of these spaces (AC9HP8M05)

  • evaluating different strategies used to manage and protect environments where physical activities take place, such as bushwalking trails, surf beaches, skate parks and sporting fields
  • investigating different approaches to custodial responsibility for Country/Place used by First Nations Australian communities to support the use of local settings and spaces for physical activity while protecting the environment
  • designing and evaluating physical activity options that reimagine the use of community spaces to encourage more active lifestyles among their peer group
  • promoting an understanding of minimal-impact outdoor recreation in the local area
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
ScOT terms

Wellbeing,  Physical activity,  Outdoor recreation,  Recreation


Kitchen gardens – sustainability action process (Years 7–10)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on kitchen gardens using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and ...


Creating a yarning circle: background

This activity introduces children to the idea of a yarning circle and its importance in First Nations Culture. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning activities designed to support the meaningful use of yarning circles in learning environments. OUTCOMES of this learning activity are for children to: understand ...


Be on the Safe Side Year 7-8 HPE

This is a unit of work about how to be a safe, active and responsible citizen on and around the rail network. The resource focuses on identifying the hazards and the hazardous behaviours and influences such as emotions and peer pressure that may impact the decisions young people make on and around the rail network. It includes: ...


Creating a yarning circle: involving First Nations people

This activity is part of a broader activity sequence that has been developed to help you design, build and use a yarning circle in your school or community. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning activities designed to support the meaningful use of yarning circles in learning environments. It will help guide ...


Creating a yarning circle: yarning circle activities

Yarning circles provide opportunities for all to be heard, for discussions to be had and for understandings to be reached. This learning activity provides activity ideas for use in a yarning circle and will support students to develop a calendar for the yarning circle; be empowered to utilise the space regularly and meaningfully; ...


Creating a yarning circle: yarning and wellbeing

This learning activity will help you make connections between yarning and wellbeing programs, and how you can use yarning circles to support respectful, honest and open communication to promote connectedness among students, particularly using the morning circle routine. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning ...


Get ready to learn! Interoception and self-regulation

Interoception (mindful body awareness) refers to the perception, recognition and understanding of the internal physical states. These body signals can be understood as emotions and/or feelings which can then be responded to. Self-regulation is the ability to moderate or control emotions and actions in order to function ...


Yulunga: riawena

Riawena means ‘fun (sport)’ in the language used by the Aboriginal people of the Oyster Bay area of Tasmania. A number of the games and activities can be conducted as athletic events. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians with a greater understanding and appreciation ...


Yulunga: mer kolap

This object-throwing game was observed being played in the Torres Strait on Mer Island in the nineteenth century. More recent versions have been observed. This version of an object-throwing game is a relay event. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians with a greater understanding ...


Yulunga: gugiyn nahri

The activities outlined are examples of how the games can be modified to be used in a tabloid event. Groups of four to six players over a two to three-minute time period are recommended. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians with a greater understanding and appreciation ...


Yulunga: kangaroo

Imitation activities were a favourite and popular activity for children everywhere. In one activity children would copy the actions of the kangaroo. This is a jumping relay race based on the actions of a kangaroo jumping. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians with a ...


Yulunga: tarnambai

Although not a universal activity, athletics-type events were common. On Tiwi (Bathurst) Island the children collected the seed heads of the ‘spring rolling grass’ (Spinifex hirsutis) that grew on the sand hills near the coast. These were taken to the beach and released. The children allowed these to be blown along by the ...


Yulunga: wirrwuyu

As in various other cultures, stone skipping (throwing) along a surface of water was played by Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. On Dunk Island in Queensland, the throwing of cuttle-fish (krooghar) bones was observed. The bones were thrown along the surface of the water like ‘skipping stones’ and ...


Yulunga: sanbaing

In parts of Papua New Guinea and the Torres Strait Islands players of both genders were observed playing a game of sand-ball throwing. It required a great deal of expertise to perform successfully and was often played all day. Players make ‘bombs’ out of sand and throw (lob) them into the water. The Yulunga: Traditional ...


Yulunga: bari barlam bembinge

This is a suggested outline of a traditional games event. The games and activities outlined have been modified for use with co-educational classes and groups of different age and/or abilities, as a workshop or traditional games activity over a time period of one hour to one and a half hours. Groups of six to 12 may be used. ...


Yulunga: yiri

A spear game was recorded being played by the boys at Ulladulla in New South Wales. Small spears were thrown at pieces of wood, which were placed into running water. On Dunk Island in Queensland the boys used wood chips and pieces of bark floating on the water, or threw at small fish. This is a throwing-practice game played ...


Yulunga: yulunga

Yulunga means ‘playing’ in the language of the Kamilaroi (Gamori) people from the northwest of New South Wales. The following games and activities may be organised as part of a display of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander games. The Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games resource was developed to provide all Australians ...