Chinese / Year 1 and 2 / Understanding language and culture / Understanding the interrelationship of language and culture

Curriculum content descriptions

notice that people use language in ways that reflect cultural practices (AC9LC2U04)

  • noticing that people greet each other differently in different cultures, depending on the relationship, for example, using 你吃了吗 for familiar people, such as neighbours and comparing this with languages and cultures within the classroom
  • exploring the lucky and unlucky numbers and colours in Chinese-speaking cultures, for example, discussing why some numbers are considered lucky, such as, 二十八, 九, 六, 六十八 or why 红色 is a lucky colour
  • comparing gestures and body language associated with language use in different cultures, especially languages and cultures within the class, for example, using hand gesturing for emphasis and encouragement or recognising taboos within Chinese communication, such as pointing directly at someone
  • exploring symbols used by First Nations Australians and those used in Chinese-speaking communities in a range of contexts, for example, what the symbols on flags represent
  • role-playing giving and receiving 红包 using formulaic expressions, such as 恭喜发财, and practising kowtowing to show respect
  • using 加油 to encourage someone, and talking about the cultural meaning behind using this rather than ‘good luck’
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural Understanding
ScOT terms

Cultural awareness,  Cultural identity,  Cultural interaction

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