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French / Year 1 and 2 / Communicating meaning in French / Mediating meaning in and between languages

Curriculum content descriptions

notice that language carries cultural meaning in classroom-related greetings, introductions, instructions and routines (AC9LF2C04)

  • differentiating between familiar and formal language, for example, Bonjour Madame! Comment allez-vous? Salut Jacques! Ça va? Merci beaucoup, Monsieur; Salut, Annie! Bisous!

  • understanding language for classroom instructions and routines, for example, plural form for the whole class
  • noticing formalities in France or French-speaking communities such as handshakes or standing up to greet a visitor to the classroom
  • noticing language associated with interactions, for example, the use of first names in Australian or American English compared to the use of titles and family names in French-speaking communities
  • noticing hand gestures, intonation patterns and facial expressions that accompany some expressions in French, for example, noticing shrugs or exclamations such as Bof! Mais non! Ouf! Oh, là là!

  • noticing cultural meaning in expressions such as le goûter, la rentrée or la bise

General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural Understanding
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Cultural contexts,  Cultural interaction,  French language

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