Italian / Year 5 and 6 / Communicating meaning in Italian / Interacting in Italian

Curriculum content descriptions

participate in activities that involve planning and negotiating with others, using language that expresses information, preferences and ideas (AC9LIT6C02)

  • planning and organising activities, using expressions related to place, time and numbers, for example, Dove facciamo la festa? Quando? Quante persone invitiamo?

  • participating in role-plays that involve transactions and opinions, for example, È bellissimo. È di moda, asking the Quanto costa? È troppo caro/costoso. Quanto viene? C’è lo sconto? Che cosa ne pensi? Secondo me, è … Trovo … un po’ …

  • participating in taking action in relation to care of the environment, or class rules and routines, for example, Butta la carta nel contenitore giallo. Aiuta i bambini della prima ad attraversare la strada. Voi due, create il poster.

  • exchanging information to organise a meeting with friends, discussing where and when it will take place, for example, Cosa vuoi/volete fare? Quando? A che ora? Dove c’incontriamo? È lontano?

  • planning and organising a performance item for school assembly showcasing what they have learnt in their Italian class, allocating roles and negotiating class members who will recite a poem, who will sing, who will perform a rap, who will perform a role-play, for example, Chi vuole cantare? Ti va di ...? Preferisci …? Io non voglio …

General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Classroom activities,  Planning,  Negotiation,  Italian language

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