Italian / Year 7 and 8 / Communicating meaning in Italian / Creating text in Italian

Curriculum content descriptions

create and present spoken, written and multimodal, informative and imaginative texts, selecting vocabulary, expressions, grammatical structures, features and conventions appropriate to text type and context (AC9LIT8C05)

  • using appropriate digital tools to create and present an informative oral or written history of a significant older Italian person in the community
  • creating and/or performing their own spoken, written or multimodal texts which reflect Italian cultural behaviours, attitudes and social conventions, for example, writing the script and creating a video recording to introduce aspects of family life, school life, local community life, and comparing their own texts to others’, for example, Prima di entrare in aula, chiedo permesso; Prima di entrare in casa, mi levo le scarpe; Prima di mangiare, dico buon appetito; Prima di andare a letto, dico buonanotte a tutti.

  • composing a skit or short film with subtitles, depicting an aspect of contemporary teenage life from an Italian or Australian perspective
  • creating a print or digital poster in Italian to promote travel to a significant cultural location on a First Nations Country/Place, including what to see and do
  • creating an advertisement or poster to persuade a specific audience using imperative form, for example, Non rovinare la nostra scuola! Metti i rifiuti nei bidoni, non sotto i piedi! Non aspettate! Fatelo subito!

  • designing cartoons, picture stories, plays or big books appropriate for different audiences, using repetitive sentence structures and vocabulary, for example, Di chi è questa coda? È della mucca!

  • describing events occurring in the present and past, and considering that Italian and English express concepts across time in different ways
  • designing a digital poster or electronic brochure to advertise a social event in their local community related to lifestyles, social and cultural events or environmental issues
  • making entries in a journal about their experience learning Italian, recording significant events and milestones, and describing their progress and how they have arrived at the decision to go on an exchange to Italy
  • applying the main features of familiar text types in Italian when writing a letter, email, description, narrative or report in Italian
  • taking note of ‘false friends’ when creating texts, for example, noting that the English word ‘annoyed’ does not translate to ‘annoiato’ in Italian

General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Language modes,  Creating texts,  Kanji,  Vocabularies

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