Japanese / Year 1 and 2 / Communicating meaning in Japanese / Creating text in Japanese

Curriculum content descriptions

with support, use words, familiar phrases and modelled language to create spoken, written and multimodal texts, copying some kana and single high-frequency kanji appropriate to context (AC9LJ2C05)

  • linking movement to meaning by creating a dance or actions matching spoken language or songs
  • using simple language structures and supporting drawings or actions to describe and respond to imaginary characters or experiences, for example, おばけ、おに、かっぱ、たぬき、ようかいです。
  • creating bilingual resources for the classroom, for example, collectively creating a simple class story and recording students’ voices reading the story to produce an audio file
  • matching bilingual captions/labels to images of First Nations Country/Place locations in their local area or elsewhere in Australia
  • creating and illustrating class ‘Big Books’ about familiar topics using simple, modelled structures, for example, writing and drawing favourite animals, かえるです。みどりです, and practising reading aloud
  • creating their own short print or digital story modelled on shared reading, for example, a だるまさんが story, with images and labels in hiragana
  • using simple sentence structures, familiar vocabulary and concrete materials, create an informative ‘about me’ poster or profile with images or photos to be displayed in the classroom
  • using some simple expressions, formulaic language and techniques to enhance texts, for example, speech bubbles, basic onomatopoeia and exclamation marks
  • beginning to copy/write hiragana and kanji, such as 人、木、山、川、月、日、三, and short hiragana words to create simple texts such as comic strips, labels, captions and posters
  • using craft items (string, rice, playdough, etc.) or digital tools (interactive whiteboard, etc.) to make, trace or copy hiragana words and kanji characters
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Bilingual texts,  Creating texts,  Texts,  Japanese script,  Japanese language

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