Japanese / Year 5 and 6 / Communicating meaning in Japanese / Interacting in Japanese

Curriculum content descriptions

participate in activities that involve planning and negotiating with others, using language that expresses information, preferences and ideas (AC9LJ6C02)

  • stating preferences in a range of activities and interactions using がすきです and reacting to others ほんとう?すきじゃないです, or responding to どちらがすきですか to express preference between 2 things
  • taking on different roles and responsibilities in the classroom とうばん such as recycling monitor, calling the roll, identifying the date, describing the weather or giving instructions, for example, 本をください、ノートをだして、かみをリサイクルしてください、 きりつ、れい、ちゃくせき, using appropriate gestures
  • participating in an activity for an assembly, school or class event or performance, using language related to place, people, items, time and numbers and creating promotional materials, for example, producing a poster or video to encourage recycling, ペットボトルをリサイクルをしてください。
  • conducting digital or real shopping expeditions, (using online catalogues and menus, comparing prices and values, discussing intended purchases, etc.) using formulaic expressions such as ちょっとたかいです。でも、 かいたいです。
  • creating a skit, performance or action game to share with a buddy class to teach aspects of Japanese language and culture, for example, introducing hiragana, individual words or expressions or behaviours, such as bowing appropriately or receiving a gift with 2 hands
  • responding to and using classroom instructions to lead games, complete work or get ready for class, for example, role-playing teacher/student games with students giving each other instructions; たってください、すわってください、かいてください、みてください、よんでください、きいてください, leading younger learners in an うんどうかい event or game
General capabilities
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Classroom activities,  Planning,  Cooperation,  Negotiation,  Japanese language

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