Japanese / Year 5 and 6 / Understanding language and culture / Understanding systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

use knowledge of modelled grammatical structures, formulaic expressions and writing system rules to compose and respond to texts using appropriate punctuation and textual conventions (AC9LJ6U02)

  • identifying and using elements of different sentence structures including location words, prepositions, 上, 下, directions and the use of particles in modelled structures, for example, しんかんせんで行きました、えんぴつは つくえの上です。
  • with support, using present/past/negative verb forms, for example, のみます、たべます、見みました、行きません to describe actions and recount events and experiences in time
  • using picture/word flashcards to sort or display on a student-created word wall, recognising that there are 2 groups for adjectives, い and な, and using both types of adjectives to describe a range of nouns, for example, きれいなはな、かわいいねこ
  • deepening their knowledge of, and practising basic kana and kanji stroke order, for example, recognising the order from top to bottom, and left to right, that horizontal goes first, and boxes are 3 strokes, etc.
  • understanding and using a range of particles in simple compound sentences, for example, へ、 で、に、を、と、も and exploring the use of が/に あります/います to refer to inanimate/animate objects
  • understanding and using some conventions associated with げんこうようし, for example, considering the size of small characters, the position in the square and punctuation marks such as まる
  • using some counters in Japanese, for example, ~人、~才、~ぴき / ひき/びき、~月、~日、~円 and understanding Japanese numerical place order: 一、十、ひゃく、せん、まん
  • using language such as これ、それ、あれ、どれ, and conjunctions such as そして、それから, to link and sequence ideas in modelled oral and written language tasks
  • recognising the systematic nature of Japanese scripts and grammatical rules, creating personal notes and resources, and applying these to generate new language for a range of purposes
  • applying the language features of different types of texts, for example, using appropriate wording when opening and closing emails, letters or simple phone conversations, for example, ~さんへ、~より、もしもし
  • recognising the order for writing the components of the date and time in Japanese, for example, 年、月、日、~よう日、 ~時、~分, and incorporating into texts
General capabilities
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural Understanding
ScOT terms

Grammar,  Text structure,  Japanese language,  Vocabularies

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