Mathematics / Year 2 / Number

Curriculum content descriptions

use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations, including money transactions; represent situations and choose calculation strategies; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the situation (AC9M2N06)

  • modelling practical problems by interpreting an everyday additive or multiplicative situation; for example, making a number of purchases at a store and deciding whether to use addition or subtraction, multiplication or division to solve the problem and justifying the choice of operation; for example, “I used subtraction to solve this problem as I knew the total and one of the parts, so I needed to subtract to find the missing part”
  • modelling and solving simple money problems involving whole dollar amounts with addition, subtraction, multiplication or division; for example, if each member of our class contributes \(\$5\), how much money will we have in total?
  • modelling and solving practical problems such as deciding how many people should be in each team for a game or sports event, how many teams for a given game can be filled from a class, how to share out some food or distributing money in whole dollar amounts, including deciding what to do if there is a remainder
  • modelling and solving the problem “How many days are there left in this year?” by using a calendar
  • modelling problems involving equal grouping and sharing in First Nations Australian children’s instructive games; for example, Yangamini from the Tiwi Island Peoples, representing relationships with a number sentence and interpreting and communicating solutions in terms of the context
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Mathematical expressions,  Personal finance,  Financial transactions,  Number operations,  Addition,  Mathematical problem solving,  Multiplication,  Subtraction,  Division,  Proportions


What needs to be measured determines the Unit of measurement: K–2 Year B – Unit 8

This sample multi–age unit explores the big idea 'what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement'.


Collections of objects can be changed by adding more (combining) or taking some away (separating): K–2 Year B – Unit 9

This unit develops understanding and skills of forming groups and combining and separating.


Problems can be solved and represented in different ways: K–2 Year B – Unit 20

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills to solve mathematical problems using critical and strategic thinking.


Addition & Subtraction Year 2 - Calculate

The focus of this activity is to find out what students know about different addition strategies.


Problems can be solved and represented in different ways: K–2 Year A – Unit 20

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills that problems can be solved and represented in different ways.


Patterns have something that repeats over and over and over again: K–2 Year A – Unit 12

This sample unit develops student knowledge, understanding, and skills in patterning.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measure: K–2 Year A – Unit 14

This two-week sample unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of measurement.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: K–2 Year A – Unit 17

This two-week unit introduces students to formal units of measurement in length and further develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of uniform informal units of measurement.


The Mathscots: Visiting the Dog Groomer - Groomer Give Aways

In this animated video, Prime and Poly are offered free shampoo samples when they visit the dog groomer. Can Abacus the cat help to work out how to share the samples equally when more dogs arrive? The mathematical focus is on understanding that multiplication and division problems can be modelled using equal groups, sets ...


The Mathscots: Level 2 Teaching Guide

This teaching guide provides a range of associated activities for each of the Mathscots episodes at Year 2. The guide contains a summary of the mathematical focus in each episode, a range of scaffolded learning experiences for before, during and after viewing each video, activities for families at home, and sets of printable ...


The Mathscots: Sharing the Sausages

In this animated video, Prime the puppy uses multiplication, division and subtraction to work out how many sausages are served at dinner. The mathematical focus is on representing array problems with available materials and explaining reasoning; visualising a group of objects as a unit and using this to calculate the number ...


The Mathscots: Dog Feeder Dilemma

In this animated video, Prime’s new dog feeder is not working as it should. Can Abacus help Prime get the food she needs? The mathematical focus is on multiplication facts for twos using doubling; modelling and representing simple additive and multiplicative situations and problem solving. The video includes a full transcript ...


The Mathscots: Knit 1, Purr 1

In this animated video, Abacus the cat keeps a count of the hats, scarves and leg warmers that Ada and Al knit for the Mathscots. The mathematical focus is on counting by 1s and skip counting by 2s and 4s, choosing procedures for efficiency; using facts of 10, additive thinking and place value concepts; noticing, observing ...


Addition and Subtraction - Calculate

This game focuses on addition, subtraction and estimation. It can be played many times as the totals will often be different and the focus of the mathematics can change. There is a video included to help with how to play the game.


Mathematical modelling: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations, including money transactions; represent situations and choose calculation strategies; interpret and communicate solutions in terms ...


Multiplication and division: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Multiplication and division. Students begin to explore multiplication and realise that it can be represented in many ways.


Piñata Party Tens (2-digit place value)

As a team, use your knowledge of tens and ones place values to help the goats release the treats from the piñata and have the GOAT party! Mathematical ideas and strategies this game supports: - Increasing and decreasing the value of 2-digit numbers. - Identifying the value of a digit based on its position in a numeral. - ...


Nine times table

Learning the times tables can be hard! Watch this neat trick to learn the nine times table using just your fingers. See if you can solve 9 times 6 using this trick.


Multiples of five

When is a times table useful? Watch this video to see an example of when knowing a five times table comes in handy. Can you think of another example where knowing the times table could be useful?


Numbers Count: Multiply two numbers to get twenty!

Did you know that 5 times 4 equals 20? Did you also know that there are other numbers you can multiply to get to 20? See if you can come up with at least two other numbers.