Mathematics / Year 5 / Number

Curriculum content descriptions

interpret, compare and order numbers with more than 2 decimal places, including numbers greater than one, using place value understanding; represent these on a number line (AC9M5N01)

  • making models of decimals including tenths, hundredths and thousandths by subdividing materials or grids, and explaining the multiplicative relationship between consecutive places; for example, thousandths are \(10\) times smaller than hundredths; writing numbers into a place value chart to compare and order them
  • renaming decimals to assist with mental computation; for example, when asked to solve \(0.6 ÷ 10\) they rename \(6\) tenths as \(60\) hundredths and say, “if I divide \(60\) hundredths by \(10\), I get \(6\) hundredths” and write \(0.6 ÷ 10 = 0.06\)
  • using a number line or number track to represent and locate decimals with varying numbers of decimal places and numbers greater than one and justifying the placement; for example, \(2.335\) is halfway between \(2.33\) and \(2.34\); that is, \(2.33 < 2.335 < 2.34\) and \(5.283\) is between \(5.28\) and \(5.29\), but closer to \(5.28\)
  • interpreting and comparing the digits in decimal measures; for example, the length or mass of animals or plants, such as a baby echidna weighing \(1.78\) kilograms and a platypus weighing \(1.708\) kilograms
  • interpreting plans or diagrams showing length measures as decimals, placing the numbers into a decimal place value chart to connect the digits to their value
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Numerical order,  Decimals,  Place value,  Number lines


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 11

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that the number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students are provided opportunities to: recognise, represent, order and partition large numbers; apply place value knowledge to recognise, name and order decimals; make connections between benchmark ...


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 9

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement. Students are provided opportunities to: compare and describe features of three-dimensional objects by making and exploring models, sketches and diagrams; construct and draw models from given views; use formal units ...


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 6

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students are provided opportunities to: read, partition, rename, represent and order large numbers; recognise, name, compare, order and represent decimals; identify the relationship between addition ...


Questions can be asked and answered by collecting and interpreting data Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 5

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that questions can be asked and answered by interpreting data. Students are provided opportunities to: collect data and construct, interpret and compare a range of data displays, including data presented in digital media; interpret and evaluate the effectiveness of various data ...


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 1

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students are provided opportunities to: partition, represent and order larger numbers; apply place value to recognise, regroup and order whole and decimal numbers; explore the link between multiplicative ...


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 2

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved by using a variety of strategies. Students are provided opportunities to: apply place value understanding to solve addition and subtraction problems; identify the connection between addition and subtraction; select and explain ...


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 1

This unit develops the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers.


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 15

This multi-age unit introduces the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies.


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 11

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 9

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement.


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 7

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations.


Questions can be asked and answered by collecting and interpreting data: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 5

This unit introduces the big idea that questions can be asked and answered by interpreting data.


The number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 6

This 2-week unit introduces the big idea that our number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers.


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 2

This unit introduces the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved by using a variety of strategies.


The Power of Ten - Calculate

This activity aims to improve student fluency in mentally multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.


Decimats - Calculate

This activity allows students to develop an understanding of decimals and how they connect to fractions and the area model. It enables them to make comparisons between decimals and their sizes and build a greater understanding of what makes a larger decimal and smaller decimal. The decimats provide them with a representational ...


Work sample Year 5 Mathematics: Locating decimals

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 5 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Work sample Year 5 Mathematics: Who were the fastest swimmers?

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 5 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding whole and decimal numbers, and understanding fractional numbers.


Number: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of number-related ideas showing the relationship to other curriculum strands. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in number including teaching and cultural implications.