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Drama / Year 9 and 10

Curriculum content descriptions

Improvise with the elements of drama and narrative structure to develop ideas, and explore subtext to shape devised and scripted drama (ACADRM047)

  • communicating meaning through realistic and non-realistic performance styles and dramatic forms by manipulating the elements of drama
  • establishing aspects of the dramatic action as symbolic, such as a suitcase being a person’s memories, a light symbolising hope
  • Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What personal meaning is intended? What political statement is this work making? How have you used critical theories about drama to make your own drama? What emotion was most strongly felt as you viewed the drama?
  • exploring the implied or underlying aspects of character and dramatic action
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Improvisation (Acting),  Subtext


Melodrama characterisation

Discover the dramatic form and acting styles of melodrama through the exploration of stock characters and how to act in a melodrama style with large emotions and gestures. Perform various characters through a scripted performance.


Tune in and tune up

Tune in and tune up your acting skills with these fun drama warm up games that will strengthen you vocally, physically and imaginatively.


Characterisation – status and movement

Explore characterisation through observation, status and movement to communicate meaning. Students will create a character through performance.


How to be funny

What is the key to being funny? As Tim Ferguson explains, if you can laugh, you can write comedy. Has something funny happened to you lately? Or is there something in particular that you find puzzling or amusing about the world around you? Put your thoughts on paper and experiment with telling your story in different ways. ...


Be on the Safe Side Year 9-10 The Arts (Drama)

This is a unit of work that uses the rail network to explore the characters, situations, viewpoints and actions that occur in this setting; there is a focus on how to behave safely on and around the rail network. Learning opportunities include scripting, performing and revising a drama performance as well exploration of ...


Greek theatre – Chorus

This 2-3 week program provides Yrs 7-10 (Stages 4-5, NSW DoE) Drama teachers with ideas for students to learn about the dramatic convention of the chorus. Students are then given the opportunity to express their learning through written, oral and performance activities. There are downloadable lesson sequences and associated ...


Shining a new (stage) light

In this learning sequence, students learn about how playwrights use the codes and conventions of drama to position audiences to accept, challenge or reject perspectives on the world. They explore how playwrights represent contemporary issues and investigate ways that contemporary texts use stories from the past to explore ...


Character Building

In this teaching activity, students analyse popular characters and methods of characterization used by writers. They apply these methods to create a profile and illustration of an original character. They will then write a short script.


Adapting a Musical

How can stories transform into a musical theatre adaptation? In this teaching activity, students will develop a musical from a book, play, or short story. They will bring the story to the stage through movements and song by analysing elements of a story and adopting creative team roles.


Staging Shakespeare: How do you stage a comedy scene?

In this lesson, students will explore the nature of comedy by informally staging the opening scenes from William Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It. Students will apply a variety of stylistic approaches to stage scenes from the play, then perform for an audience.


Find advice as to how to help your students learn to creatively critique each other's work

Find advice as to how to help your students learn to creatively critique each other's work. The resource includes useful questions that can be used as a structure for critique and review.


Creation Myth Play Scripts

In this lesson, students will explore different cultures’ supernatural explanations for human existence. Templates such as a Cultural Creation Myth Comparison Organizer are provided. Students will make comparisons between creation myths then write an original creation myth play script to perform for an audience.