Drama / Year 3 and 4

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify intended purposes and meaning of drama, starting with Australian drama, including drama of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, using the elements of drama to make comparisons (ACADRR034)

  • identifying meaning and describing purposes in drama from different social, cultural or historical contexts
  • Considering viewpoints – societies and cultures: For example – What features and ideas in the drama come from other cultures, times and places? How have you used these ideas and features in your own drama? Why do you think people from all different cultures make and respond to drama?
  • comparing the expectations and requirements of performers and audience in different cultural settings and applying learning in their own performances
  • examining drama in their community and comparing it to other drama of different people, times and cultures
  • Considering viewpoints – meanings and interpretations: For example – What are the stories and the ideas in the drama you watch and listen to? Which of the characters do you identify with? What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the drama you watch and listen to?
  • writing about and discussing with others the meaning and intended purposes of their own drama using drama terminology
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Artistic purpose,  Aboriginal art,  Australian art,  Torres Strait Islander art,  Drama (Arts),  Art themes


Join the circus

Learn about different circus skills and create a short performance.


Blast off! Life in space - teacher resource

This teacher resource is a comprehensive sequence of teacher ideas and student activities that support the arts curriculum in drama and dance, using ideas about space exploration, the universe and the life of an astronaut as stimulus. It includes a link to the video 'Blast off with NASA astronaut Rex Walheim'. This video ...


Australian collection

This database features a selection of Australian artworks from QAGOMA. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, classroom activities, a glossary of key terms and curriculum alignment information for teachers. Search results can be refined by theme, period, ...


Indigenous Australian collection

This federated search from the QAGOMA database features a selection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks from the collection. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, a map of major Indigenous regions in Australia, classroom activities, a glossary ...