English / Year 1 / Language / Phonics and word knowledge

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand that a letter can represent more than one sound and that a syllable must contain a vowel sound (ACELA1459)

  • recognising that letters can have more than one sound, for example the letter ‘u’ in ‘cut’, ‘put’, ‘use’ and the letter ‘a’ in ‘cat’, ‘father’, ‘any’
  • recognising sounds that can be produced by different letters, for example the ‘s’ sound in ‘sat’ and ‘cent’
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms



Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Radio National: The 'H' wars

How do you pronounce the letter ‘h'? Why do you think there is more than one way to pronounce this letter? Watch this video to find out why some people may pronounce the letter ‘h' as 'aitch' as opposed to 'haitch'. If you'd like to learn more on this topic, visit this site.


Phonics instructional model for reading and spelling

This documents includes information about a phonics instructional model for reading and spelling, it outlines the attributes of instruction, provides a lesson and review model, and a sample systematic synthetic phonics lesson that includes examples of skill application tasks.


Phonics Check Student Materials

This resource contains the words for students to read when completing the Year 1 Phonics Check (a free assessment of students' decoding skills) in offline mode. Teachers can print this list and ask students to read from it.


Student practice sheet for the Phonics Check

This student practice sheet for the Year 1 Phonics Check (a free assessment of students' decoding skills) provides teachers with examples of the real words and the pseudo words similar to those included in the Check.


Phonics Check user manual: Phonics Check delivery

This technical user manual provides school administrators and teachers with instructions when using the online platform to deliver the Year 1 Phonics Check. The Year 1 Phonics Check is a free 7-minute assessment to assess students' decoding skills across words of increasing complexity.


Phonics Check user manual: Register and manage user accounts

This technical user manual supports school administrators and teachers when using the online Year 1 Phonics Check platform to register, log in and manage user accounts. The Year 1 Phonics Check is a free 7-minute assessment to assess students' decoding skills across words of increasing complexity.


The Simple View of Reading and the year 1 Phonics Check

This document explains the Simple View of Reading. It gives teachers a framework to map student strengths and areas of need with the two key factors required for reading comprehension: word recognition (decoding) and language comprehension.


Year 1 Phonics Check and the Australian Curriculum

This document outlines how the types of words assessed in the Year 1 Phonics Check (a free 7-minute assessment to assess students' decoding skills across words of increasing complexity) align with descriptors in the Australian Curriculum V9 and with indicators of literacy development described in the National Literacy Learning ...


Year 1 Phonics Check Analysing and responding to results

This guide explains how to analyse data from the Year 1 Phonics Check, and how to use it to inform instruction. The Year 1 Phonics Check is a free, 7-minute assessment that assesses students' decoding skills across words of increasing complexity.


Year 1 Phonics Check: Administration guide

This guide provides detailed information for school leaders and teachers on what the Year 1 Phonics Check is (a free, 7-minute assessment that assesses students' decoding skills across words of increasing complexity). The guide contains information on delivery modes and key materials, administering the Check, recording ...


Explicit instruction for phonics - an instructional model: coaching webinar questions

Literacy specialists Rebecca McEwan and Elaine Stanley present this question and answer session about using explicit instruction principles within your phonics lesson.


Demonstration of a daily review

This video provides a demonstration of a phonics daily review using explicit instruction principles. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Demonstration of a phonics lesson

This video provides a demonstration of a phonics lesson using explicit instruction principles. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Explicit instruction for phonics overview

This video provides an overview of a phonics instructional model for reading and spelling. It is presented by literacy specialists Elaine Stanley and Rebecca McEwan.


Phonics lesson slides: Spelling generalisation for soft g and soft c

This sample slideshow presents a ready-to-use phonics lesson to teach the spelling generalisation for the soft g and soft c sounds (sometimes known as the ‘Gentle Cindy’ rule), with teacher notes indicating how to teach each part of the lesson.


Spelling generalisations and SSP

This self-paced learning module outlines what makes English an opaque language and why it is valuable to teach students spelling generalisations. It explains how to support students to apply spelling generalsiations and how to incorporate them into your systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) lessons. The module contains two ...


Progress monitoring tool Tracker Phases 21-24

This spreadsheet assists teachers to analyse the data collected in progress monitoring tools, to plan next steps for student learning. This file aligns with Phases 21-24 of the Literacy Hub phonics progression.


Word and code complexity continuum

This diagram shows the gradual progression of skills that students need to develop so they can read and spell words with increasing complexity.


Phonics pair-game template

The pair games and activities in this document can be used as part of your systematic synthetic phonics program to encourage students to develop their phonics skills with peers during independent practice.