English / Year 3 / Literacy / Creating texts

Curriculum content descriptions

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print,and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682)

  • using print and digital resources to gather information about a topic
  • selecting appropriate text structure for a writing purpose and sequencing content for clarity and audience impact
  • using appropriate simple, compound and complex sentences to express and combine ideas
  • using vocabulary, including technical vocabulary, relevant to the text type and purpose, and appropriate sentence structures to express and combine ideas
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Creating texts,  Expositions (Factual texts)


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 3 and Year 4 English

This unit of work focuses on behaviour in and around tracks and rail infrastructure. Activities build subject-specific vocabulary and understanding of procedural text structures. Guided writing activities support students to develop a series of track safe procedures while a slogan writing activity focuses on effective ways ...


Informational writing for kids

A series of eight short videos for students on informational writing. This resource explains the difference between fiction and non-fiction, choosing a topic, making a plan, writing an introduction, writing a draft, writing a closure, making a table of contents and making a glossary.


Young authors' creative writing advice

When you write, is there a particular piece of writing advice you keep in the back of your mind - something that helps you to write a better story? Watch these two students talk about the advice given to them that helps them to write better stories.


What is the biggest lesson Andy Griffiths has learnt?

Listen as Andy Griffiths reveals the biggest lesson he's learnt as a writer. What did he once think he needed to do to be successful? And what did he discover? Why does Andy believe that being yourself when you write is the most important thing?


Andy Griffiths' tips for writing funny stories

Watch this video and learn how to write funny stories with tips from Andy Griffiths! What does he say is a good starting point? Why don't you try writing a story about a time something embarrassing happened to you? What does Andy say is the key to getting readers to enjoy your story and have a laugh?


Wonderful words, creative stories: pets

Add descriptive words to two simple sentences about a cat and a fish to make the sentences more interesting. Substitute different descriptive words in each sentence. Notice how your choice of words affects the animations for the sentences. Use your two lively sentences as the start and ending of an imaginative story. Check ...


Writing drafts with Sally Rippin

Listen as Sally Rippin describes how her reading feeds into her writing. Why does she sometimes stop reading when she's in the early stages of writing a new story? Do you write a few drafts of your stories before you get to your final version? What does Sally say about the first draft of a story?


Persuasive Writing for Kids

This is a series of six short videos for students on the basics of persuasive writing. The series covers what is persuasive writing; brainstorming topics; planning and pre-writing; reasons; writing an introduction and draft and closing.


Opinion Writing for Kids

This is a series of eight short videos for students on opinion writing. The series covers what is opinion writing; choosing a topic; making a plan; writing a draft: introduction, reasons and examples, conclusion; revising and editing.


Alice Pung's writing practice

Do writers write every day? Author Alice Pung does. In this clip Alice describes her writing practice. Why does she use a cheap notebook for capturing ideas? What sort of writing does she do to get the creativity flowing? Give Alice's techniques a try and see whether they work for you!


How to make a story interesting

To make a good story, author Tony Wilson says you need your characters to either make difficult decisions or do something difficult. Can you think of any good stories you've read where neither of these things happen? It's very difficult! Think about a tricky decision you've had to make or perhaps it's a tricky thing you've ...


Thinking about settings with Leigh Hobbs

As Leigh Hobbs says, the great thing about inventing a character is that you also have the power to choose where they live. What's your character's world like? Describe your character at home. Where do they live? And what do they do there? Now choose a completely different location and plonk your character there. Think ...


BTN: Meet a young author

Do you love writing stories? Learn how Hannah Chandler got a book published at the age of 12! Why don't you make your own book? Once you're happy with your story, find yourself an illustrator (a friend, family member or even yourself!) and start designing your pages. Once they're ready attach them all together. Don't forget ...


Andy Griffiths' tips for starting your story

Get some tips from Andy Griffiths on what to think about when you start to write a story. What does he say about plot? Why not take Andy's advice and start a story by thinking about something that has happened to you and then exaggerate it somehow. Concentrate on writing a short, dramatic moment by using lots of detail ...


Built To Survive Learning Resource

The Built to Survive learning resource includes five lessons that explore different habitats and the animals that survive within them. To complete each lesson students become documentary hosts, drawing on their research and following the format of the Built to Survive documentary series. The resource also includes a module ...


Western Australia at War 1914 Year 3 Lesson sequence

This set of lessons explores the experiences of Western Australian soldiers in World War 1. It provides opportunities to explore the symbolism of the poppy and of the different flags of nations involved in the war. Following research activities, students develop a presentation about a soldier or an aspect of the war. An ...


Celebrations and Commemorations

This teaching and learning sequence has a focus on Australian celebrations and commemorations to coincide with the actual dates of the various significant celebrations and commemorations in Australia, culminating in a student-led inquiry on global celebrations.


Commemorating the ANZAC legend

This integrated lesson sequence will allow students to explore how and why people choose to remember significant events of the past, specifically Anzac Day and the Legend of the ANZACs.


Shirley Purdie: Ngaginybe Jarragbe, My Story: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the book Shirley Purdie: Ngaginybe Jarragbe, My Story. The narrative of the book is told in English and Gija. It is about Shirley Purdie’s life story, told alongside her paintings. This unit includes practical ideas for using this book in your classroom.


Create a board game that uses an Ozobot

Create a game board where the player is provided with a number of decisions. Using Scratch and Makey Makey, students add multimodal elements to the story. These elements are activated using an Ozobot.