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English / Year 6 / Literacy / Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Curriculum content descriptions

Select, navigate and read texts for a range of purposes, applying appropriate text processing strategies and interpreting structural features, for example table of contents, glossary, chapters, headings and subheadings (ACELY1712)

  • bringing subject and technical vocabulary and concept knowledge to new reading tasks, selecting, evaluating and using texts for their pertinence to the task and the accuracy of their information
  • using word identification, self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies
  • using research skills including identifying research purpose, locating texts, gathering and organising information, evaluating and using information
  • identifying and using texts for a wide range of purposes, selecting texts by favourite authors and trying new ones
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Reading comprehension,  Typography


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Reading with Rebecca Lim

Watch this clip to find out what author Rebecca Lim liked to read when she was younger. How have these early interests influenced her writing as an adult? Do you get creative inspiration from books you read? What advice does Rebecca give to people who want to be writers?


Engage to achieve: using mobile technologies to enthuse reluctant readers

This teacher resource describes how a cluster of four primary schools in Launceston, Tasmania, worked together to explore the potential of mobile technologies to engage reluctant and low-achieving readers in year 6. The program they developed exposed students to a range of multimodal texts, developed their understanding ...


Reading an informative text: Fashion rules!

This is an HTML resource for middle to upper primary students about how to answer reading comprehension questions that require them to compare, contrast, synthesise or classify information in an informative text. The resource has three tabs: Introduction; Text and questions; and Answer key. The Introduction tab discusses ...


Ready to race: wheels, jets, tyres and gears

Go to a race track and collect information from different kinds of visual texts to make your kart the fastest on the track. First, add important kart parts and choose the style of kart you want. Then collect information about the time and place of your race. Next, go to the garage to set up your kart before doing a starting ...


Responsible fishing in Western Australia: write an article

Go fishing in Western Australia. Look at how and why laws restrict people from taking certain fish. Identify cases where laws apply: size limits, bag limits and closed seasons. Build a magazine article explaining the fishing laws. Use a model structure and persuasive text to support a responsible position. For example, ...


Rainforest: make a walking track

Mark the route for a walking track on a map of a rainforest. Choose a section of track based on instructions about distances, compass directions and grid references. Keep adding sections of track to get to the rest house. As you go, look up the meaning of tricky words.


The world of science and its powerful language

Part of this essay focuses on the specific text types used in Science and their features. There are particular text types that are used for different scientific purposes, and within each of those text types, there are particular grammars and language for different scientific purposes. Use this resource as support in teaching ...


Text structure Stage 3

This literacy teaching strategy supports teaching and learning for students in Years 5 and 6 across all key learning areas. It targets specific literacy skills and suggests a learning sequence to build skill development. Teachers can select individual tasks, or a sequence, and embed into their teaching and learning program ...


The shape of text to come

This webpage includes a sample chapter of the book ‘The shape of text to come’ that can be downloaded. The chapter focuses on strategies to teach multi-modal texts including a helpful schema of questions that will help and support students’ understanding of this genre.


How do you make a difference?

In this learning sequence, students determine improvements they would like to see in public transport. They research ways of suggesting improvements to public transport authorities and other decision makers, and prepare letters and emails for this purpose. They prioritise future improvements and develop arguments to support ...


Writing drafts with Sally Rippin

Listen as Sally Rippin describes how her reading feeds into her writing. Why does she sometimes stop reading when she's in the early stages of writing a new story? Do you write a few drafts of your stories before you get to your final version? What does Sally say about the first draft of a story?


Characters as friends

Do you agree with Morris Gleitzman when he says that characters you create are like friends? How hard do you think it is to put your characters through difficult situations and make them suffer if you feel this way?


What is spec fic? Rebecca Lim explains

Have you heard of the term 'spec fic'? What is speculative fiction? If you're interested in reading some, why not find out more about the books that Rebecca Lim refers to.


Ready, steady, cook … park

Is there a place in your neighbourhood that is special to you, or that you visit regularly? See if you can create a report about this place, the way the reporter in this clip has done about Cook Park in Orange, NSW.


Rebecca Lim's advice for writers

Do you want to be a writer? Watch this clip to get some tips from author Rebecca Lim. What are some of the things she suggests? Find out about writing competitions - and enter one!


Why is it useful to have a big bad wolf character in stories?

Watch this clip to hear Andy Griffiths explain why it's good to have villains in stories. How can the "big bad wolf" character help to move the story along? Think about some of the stories you've read lately. Which characters were the "big bad wolf" characters and what did they add to the stories? 


Interviews With 10 Australian Authors, Ch 6: Gary Crew's Strange Objects

How do you use research in a fiction novel that is based on historical events? What is the real symbolism of the ring? Why should a writer have a ‘day job'? Listen to Gary Crew answer these questions about Strange Objects in this interview.


Rebecca Lim and her writing process

How long does it take to write a YA book? Rebecca Lim fills us in and explains the role reading plays in the writing of her books. Why does she say that having an editor is important? Try challenging yourself to write a story in 100 words.


Sally Rippin on authors and illustrators

Watch this clip to find out about the relationship between authors and illustrators. What role does the publisher play in this relationship? What does Sally Rippin say about the role of illustrations in books for young children?