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Humanities and social sciences / Year 1 / Inquiry and skills / Questioning

Curriculum content descriptions

Pose questions about past and present objects, people, places and events (ACHASSI018)

  • posing questions with the stems ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ about families, celebrations, places and the weather
  • asking questions before, during and after listening to stories about people and places and about their past and present
  • preparing questions for parents and members of older generations about how they lived in the past, where they lived and the places they value
  • collecting and displaying everyday objects (for example, toys, telephone, radio, cooking utensils, clothes) and other sources (for example, photos, found objects, maps, observation sketches) to stimulate ‘Where’, ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘How’ and ‘Why?’ questions
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Historical inquiry,  Artefacts


What is a meat safe?

Before fridges were invented, people used meat safes to keep their food cool. But what is a meat safe? Watch this clip to find out! What was the meat safe made out of? How was it designed to keep bugs out? And how did the meat safe actually keep food cool? Think about the way we keep food cool today. How do the fridges ...


Ironing clothes in the olden days

How do your parents get all the wrinkles out of your clothes? Do you sometimes see your parents using an iron? In the olden days there was no electricity, so the iron had to be heated up on a fire. In this video, Buckingham House volunteer Jeannie Green shows us some old-fashioned irons and explains how people used them. ...


An olden day toilet

In the olden days, there were no toilets inside the house. Why do you think that was? Instead there was a "potty" for the children and a commode chair for the parents. Would you be brave enough to help empty the potty in the morning? How did people in the olden days wash their hands if there was no tap? Buckingham House ...


For the Juniors: Celebrating a baby's baptism

Meet Vincent and his family and friends as they celebrate his baptism. Find out what happens when a baby is baptised in the Catholic church. Come along to Vincent's party afterwards for some fun, good food and an amazing christening cake.


Farms have distinctive features

This resource is a 32 page pdf integrated inquiry unit, for junior primary students, exploring how the distinctive qualities of a farm space influence farming practice. This unit uses the five stage inquiry model to sequence activities. Topics explored include: how do weather patterns and seasons affect farms?; Why are ...


Holiday Souvenirs

Use this lesson plan to kick start the creation of an exhibition of objects collected from home about holidays past and present.


Artefact chat: Foundation

This sequence of activities establishes the concepts of artefacts, and oral history through prior knowledge and experience, personal interests and the familiar. Students then generalise about what an artefact is and practise how to describe an artefact and think creatively about it. Students also learn about interview grammar, ...


Past, present and future on the farm

In this resource, students learn about technologies that have changed over time and how these changes have helped farmers. Students will have the opportunity to consider how their own school-based technology might solve a problem. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons that can be used with this age-group of students. ...


Make a Museum of Memory and Myth

This lesson plan is inspired by the People's Museum of Memory and Myth made in 2017. The work was created by artist in residence Hans K Clausen with the support of the local community. The curated collection of objects are displayed in glass fronted boxes and evoke memories of childhood. You can replicate the process the ...


People and Places

Through this geographical inquiry process, students will examine a range of places at the national scale, the reasons people visit places, and factors affecting peoples’ access to places. Students will also analyse their personal connections to places they visit.


My family and other families

This learning sequence provides students with the opportunity to learn about their own history and that of their family. As participants in their own history, students build on their knowledge and understanding of how the past is different to the present. The learning sequence includes two inquiries: my family, and other ...


Little history: Toys and games

This unit of work uses toys and games to provide opportunities for students to explore concepts of change and continuity by making comparisons of the toys children have played with over time. Structured around a series of inquiry questions students can use images from the museum collection to create a timeline of toys. ...


Yulunga: kandomarngutta

In some parts of Australia children were allowed to use the bullroarer (whirlers), or small versions of it, as a source of amusement. In other areas the bullroarer had a special significance and was not used as a ‘toy’. In parts of Victoria a bullroarer called the kandomarngutta was used. This was a thin piece of wood, ...


Cornish family at Dromana beach with parasols, 1927

This is a black-and-white photograph featuring the Cornish family at the beach in Dromana in 1927. The nine adults and nine children in this group are dressed in bathing costumes, and many wear bathing caps. Three large parasols (light sun umbrellas) are being held by women at the back of the group. A long pier is visible ...


For the Juniors: Celebrating achievements

Discover some different ways that people celebrate achievements. This clip takes you to two big celebrations: a street parade and a graduation. Find out what it takes to achieve things worth celebrating. Learn some ways that you can help others achieve.


Australian Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub: Australian disasters

This is a curated collection of articles, photographs and internet links related to natural, technological and human-caused events including bushfires, cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, shipwrecks, urban fires, chemical and industrial events in Australia. Events included have posed a serious threat to a community or property ...


Commemorating Anzac through engaging learning

This resource supports quality teaching and learning through specific curriculum learning opportunities to engage students, as well as enhancing whole school and community interactions and events commemorating Anzac. Part of the Bringing communities together series in response to the NSW State Anzac Centenary.


For the Juniors: Celebrating a new baby

Have you ever visited a new baby? Come along with Levi as he meets his baby sister for the first time. Find out why people get so excited when a new baby arrives. Find out how families let people know about a new baby.


For the Juniors: Candles, cards and carols: Christmas in 1983

How do people celebrate Christmas now? This clip shows some of the ways Christmas was celebrated in 1983. People sent cards, gave presents and sang carols. Have things changed?


Virtual reality and the stereoscope

Do you know what virtual reality (VR) is? VR is something you can experience if you put on a VR headset. The headset lets you see and hear things that make you feel like you're in a completely different place. Perhaps you've seen people using VR headsets or even tried one out yourself. In this video, Margot shows us an ...