Humanities and social sciences / Year 1 / Knowledge and Understanding / History

Curriculum content descriptions

Differences and similarities between students' daily lives and life during their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods (ACHASSK030)

  • comparing and commenting on photographs and oral histories (for example, talking to parents, grandparents and other elders) to find out how daily lives have changed
  • comparing what has changed over time (for example, homes, family traditions, leisure, communication technology, rules, how needs were met then and now, wants, and shopping/consumer habits)
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Social history,  Lifestyles,  Telecommunications,  Recreation,  Families


Old People's Home For 4 Year Olds: Things our grandparents used when they were children

This clip from Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds introduces us to items that were once commonplace for older Australians but are unknown to children today. The items give our seniors a chance to reminisce about their younger days. ________________________________________ For tips on starting an intergenerational program ...


This Day Tonight: Playgrounds, billycarts and hot rods

Discover what school holidays were like for children in the past. In this black-and-white clip, a reporter asks some school children how they feel about holidays. Find out what kinds of things children did on their holidays when your parents and grandparents were your age.


Chequerboard: Bell's gone!

School finishes for the day and parents are waiting to take their children home. Find out what school pickup time looked like in 1974.


Chequerboard: Twinkle, twinkle, little ducks

A class of children join in a singing lesson on their first day of school in 1974. Watch and see how school has changed, and stayed the same, over time.


Chequerboard: What's for lunch on the first day of school?

It's Shelley's first day of school and her mum shows her what's packed in her lunch box. Find out what school lunches looked like in 1974.


Chequerboard: First day jitters

What was the first day of school like for your parents? This clip shows a group of children arriving at school with their parents in 1974.


School in the 1940s

Imagine going to school in the 'olden days' (the 1940s). Find out what morning assembly looked like. Discover the things that children kept in their desks and what they used to do their writing. This clip shows you what school was like in the past as two adults (actors Terry Norris and Carmel Millhouse) remember what they ...


For the Juniors: Celebrating a baby's baptism

Meet Vincent and his family and friends as they celebrate his baptism. Find out what happens when a baby is baptised in the Catholic church. Come along to Vincent's party afterwards for some fun, good food and an amazing christening cake.


For the Juniors: Celebrating a new baby

Have you ever visited a new baby? Come along with Levi as he meets his baby sister for the first time. Find out why people get so excited when a new baby arrives. Find out how families let people know about a new baby.


How times change

This resource is a website supporting teachers and students of the Australian Curriculum: History in Year 1. Includes teacher support, curriculum connections and ready-to-use digital resources about the present, past and future and about differences between their own lives and those of people in the past.


For the Juniors: Cooking food in the past and present

How might your family cook without electricity or gas? See what some kitchens of people from long ago looked like. Discover ways that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people cook some food.


For the Juniors: Visit a restored 19th-century cottage

Take a trip back in time to discover what some Australian homes looked like in the past. Visit an old miner's cottage that was built long ago. Explore the kitchen, the living room and the outdoor toilet. Imagine what your life would be like if you grew up in this home.


Holiday Souvenirs

Use this lesson plan to kick start the creation of an exhibition of objects collected from home about holidays past and present.


Artefact chat: Oral History Recordings

These recordings discuss significant artefacts and key activities at two historic house museums, Mugga-Mugga and Calthorpes' House. Listen to oral history about items such as a flour bin, water bag, fuel stove and ball gown, as well as accounts of work activities such as being a jackeroo.


Artefact chat: Foundation

This sequence of activities establishes the concepts of artefacts, and oral history through prior knowledge and experience, personal interests and the familiar. Students then generalise about what an artefact is and practise how to describe an artefact and think creatively about it. Students also learn about interview grammar, ...


Make a Museum of Memory and Myth

This lesson plan is inspired by the People's Museum of Memory and Myth made in 2017. The work was created by artist in residence Hans K Clausen with the support of the local community. The curated collection of objects are displayed in glass fronted boxes and evoke memories of childhood. You can replicate the process the ...


Work sample Year 1 HASS F-6: Continuity and change in daily life

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 1 HASS F-6. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Personal timelines

This unit explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources to create a personal representation of the passing of time by exploring memory and creating a personal timeline.


About me

Order images to show a sequence of personal events or milestones such as birth, first tooth, beginning to crawl.


Little history: Toys and games

This unit of work uses toys and games to provide opportunities for students to explore concepts of change and continuity by making comparisons of the toys children have played with over time. Structured around a series of inquiry questions students can use images from the museum collection to create a timeline of toys. ...