Humanities and social sciences / Year 6 / Knowledge and Understanding / Geography

Curriculum content descriptions

Differences in the economic, demographic and social characteristics of countries across the world (ACHASSK139)

  • researching the population size and density of a selection of countries around the world
  • investigating the relationship between per capita income, health (as measured by life expectancy) and energy consumption in a selection of countries around the world, including at least one country from the Asia region
  • comparing people’s lives in places with different levels of income
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
ScOT terms

Populations (Society),  Countries


Life expectancy PowerPoint

This teacher resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed to address common student misunderstandings about life expectancy. It emphasises that life expectancy is an average, that most people live for much longer or shorter than their life expectancy and that, when life expectancy is low, it is mostly because of a very ...


Dollar street

This is an interactive resource about the different standards of living of people at different levels of wealth. It shows a street containing photo-panoramas from households at different income levels in Mozambique, South Africa and Uganda. The user can choose the level of income ranging from $1-2 per day to over $100 per ...


School of rocks: teacher resource

In this structured inquiry unit of work students explore the formation of rocks and minerals. They investigate how the properties of rocks and minerals are related to their use, and how these naturally occurring materials provide valuable resources for human activity. Students also investigate the effects of volcanic activity, ...


Australian Parliament history timeline

This interactive timeline explores key milestones in the history of Australia's Parliament that led to federation and how the work of Parliament has influenced Australian democratic development since 1901. The timeline allows users to explore the milestones chronologically or follow thematic trails.


Aim to sustain: A world of difference

Students explore what is happening at an individual, community and global level and plan actions they will take. These may range from taking a quiz to sharing knowledge about being 'green' at home, through to planning a conference session to deliver to other students. The resource includes videos, SMART notebooks, worksheets ...


Data in Gapminder world

This resource is a dataset providing data for a number of indicators of development over time for more than 200 countries. The indicators fall into the following categories: population, health, economy, environment, work, infrastructure, energy and education, with over 500 sets of data in total. Each set of data can be ...


Growing your own pizza

In this hypothetical exercise, young learners will explore what they would need to establish if they were to grow their very own pizza. The OUTCOMES of this learning activity are for children to: investigate where and how food is produced; appreciate the complexities of food manufacturing; expand their knowledge of food ...


Civic citizens card game

This resource supports your students in learning about the democratic values and beliefs that come with the responsibility of Australian citizenship.


Name it and explain it: Citizenship

This resource provides an opportunity for teachers to introduce questions surrounding the topic of citizenship such as What is citizenship?; Why do we need it?; and What would happen if we didn’t have it?


Global citizenship in the classroom

This framework is designed to help teachers build the key elements of global citizenship into units of work on a wide range of topics. Find a wide range of teaching strategies to support creating questions, interrogating images, creating an issues tree, creating ‘mysteries’, an opinion continuum and others.


Civic virtue

This resource has a collection of behaviours or expectations that show how effective citizens might demonstrate good civic virtue. Students match the behaviours/expectations with the three underlying elements of Rights and Liberties, Democratic Principles; and Australian Law.


Local government

This 2-page resource provides information about the evolution of local government and the responsibilities managed by this level of government.


Civics and citizenship: posters and infographics

This webpage hosts a range of visual resources including posters about the Magna Carta, the separation of powers, various forms of government, check and balances and others.


Teaching active citizenship guidance for teachers

Active citizenship is a teaching approach that uses active learning to equip students to take informed action aimed at making a positive difference in their communities. This guide has been co-constructed with British teachers and researchers to distil principles and practical advice about what constitutes an effective ...


Roman Lead Shrine

In this UK-based resource, students will learn about common features of personal worship. These resources can be used as stand-alone lessons in the context of units on Christianity or Buddhism, but probably can best be deployed together in an inquiry- style approach.


Secret Postcard Project

This lesson plan provides ideas for raising money for a local or national charity with a whole school arts project. Use it to support learning in Civics and Citizenship about how individuals and groups can make a positive difference in their community.


Sites2See: Exploring energy for Primary

One page with links to websites with interactive resources, information and activities to support primary students investigating energy and the Climate Clever Energy Savers program.


Waterways: clean-up

We all have the power to help keep our coastlines, rivers, lakes, swamps, creeks, floodplains, billabongs and estuaries clean by diverting rubbish from our waterways. This can be done with regular clean-ups, picking up litter when you see it, and changing our behaviour such as limiting our use of single-use plastic. This ...


Creating a food garden: vision

This learning activity is part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on creating a food garden. The order of these learning activities are: vision, site assessment, installing a no dig garden bed, planting and harvesting. OUTCOMES For children to: • appreciate what they would like to achieve from creating ...


A Pain in the Guts: Analysing Gut Contents

In this activity, students investigate the impact of plastics on living things as they explore and analyse the replicated gut contents of five animals.