Civics and citizenship / Year 10 / Civics and Citizenship Knowledge and Understanding / Citizenship, diversity and identity

Curriculum content descriptions

The challenges to and ways of sustaining a resilient democracy and cohesive society (ACHCK094)

  • exploring the concept of ‘cohesive society’ using examples from contemporary events in Australia or in other countries to identify factors that support cohesiveness
  • considering threats to Australian democracy and other democracies, such as the influence of vested interests, organised crime, corruption and lawlessness
  • identifying the safeguards that protect Australia’s democratic system and society, including shared values and the right to dissent within the bounds of the law
  • investigating processes by which individuals and groups resolve differences in Australian communities (for example, negotiation, mediation and reconciliation)
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Democracy,  Political corruption,  Organised crime,  Conspiracy,  Conflict resolution,  Conflict of interest


NSW Governor Marie Bashir – 2010 speech to students

This resource is a YouTube playlist containing a series of videos from a speech the NSW Governor Marie Bashir gave to senior high school students at Government House in 2010. She speaks on a range of topics, including the Australian system of government, the history of Australia and NSW, and her life. She also answers ...


Big deal

Big Deal investigates the role of money in Australia’s democracy and explores some of the reasons people’s trust in democracy is declining. Host Christiaan Van Vuuren speaks to current politicians, former politicians, journalists, community members and a lobbyist in a quest to understand how rules around political donations, ...


In My Blood It Runs: Right to self determination

After many decades of working with the colonial Commonwealth Government of Australia, Yolngu Elder and renowned leader Galarrwuy Yunupingu argued (as many First Peoples do) that it's in their best interest to establish independence, politically and economically, from the colonial state. "We, the united clans of east Arnhem ...


In My Blood It Runs: First Nations education

While watching this clip, consider Article 14 of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP): 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods ...


Tour of NSW Government House

This resource is a YouTube playlist containing a series of videos taken as a group of senior high school students are given a guided tour of NSW Government House in 2010. The tour covers primary sources such as architecture, furniture and images significant to the history of Australia and NSW.


Drug Crime and the Law

This sequence of four lesson ideas focuses on the concept that Australia's social wellbeing is enhanced when individuals understand the behaviours and laws associated with being responsible citizens, and report signs of illicit criminal drug activity to the appropriate authorities. This resource provides the opportunity ...


Aboriginal change makers

Aboriginal history, self-determination and identity are examined in this teaching and learning eBook. The book draws on the lived experience of First Nations peoples drawing on historical record, cultural protocols and community connections to explore perspectives on traditional culture and leadership in the face of colonisation. ...


Discovering democracy: a democracy destroyed

Interact with a slideshow of images and text to explore, through the demise of democracy in Germany in 1933, how the justice system can be used for undemocratic purposes. Complete a related task.


Discovering democracy: what sort of nation?

Interact with a slideshow of images and text to explore what has influenced the sort of nation Australia is and how it has changed over time. Complete a related task.


The Conversation: class in Australia collection

This collection of short articles critically examine the topic of class in Australia, asking whether it exists and examining relationship between class and aspects such as health, where you live, gender, income inequality and others. The articles support student investigations and in-depth studies of issues relevant for ...


Society and the Cultural World

This lesson supports students to explore some of the ways that Australia Day is marketed and the elements of Australian culture that are used in this process.


Civics and Citizenship

This resource supports the National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship (NAPCC) designed to explore student’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the civics and citizenship learning area. This document has been written by teachers to assist in preparation for assessment in the area of Civics and Citizenship. The ...


Aboriginal peoples and the media

Students explore the key role that the media plays in today’s society, in particular its impact on a range of non-Aboriginal peoples’ perceptions of Aboriginal peoples, cultures and contemporary issues. The representation of Aboriginal peoples and cultural images from pre-invasion to today are investigated and compared. ...


Respectful Civil Discourse: Post-Referendum (Years 9 and 10)

This set of resources about civil discourse education uses the Uluru Statement from the Heart and other resources as the basis for students in Years 9 and 10 to discuss the types of debates that occurred during the 2023 referendum for constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The focus ...


Active Citizens: Globally connected, locally engaged

While this is designed for use with adults, some of the learning activities are suitable for use in secondary classrooms. Find learning activities exploring identity, cultural understandings, managing difference and conflict.


The Australian Dream: Racism

This clip highlights Adam Goodes’s belief that the whole community needs to work together to put an end to racism. Through the heartbreaking story of Nicky Winmar and Gilbert McAdam, you'll get an insight into how far we've come in tackling racism, but Adam shows us how far we still have to go. Find out how people used ...



This fact sheet explores the role and functions of the Australian Government, including who is in the government, how it is formed, minority government and the principle of responsible government.


Contemporary issues in Civics and Citizenship

This resource is designed to help teachers to think about their own practices and explore a number of common approaches to the discussion of contemporary issues. The resource includes six professional learning modules, with pre-readings, group activities, discussion questions and prompts, plus other resources. Module themes ...


Australian Constitution Centre Resources

Find detailed lesson plans for appropriate levels of schooling supporting topics such as the Rule of Law, Representative Democracy, Australian identity, federation and the Constitution, Australia’s legal system, the Courts and the Australian Justice System, The Constitution and the Making of Law in Australia, The High Court ...


Key concepts in Civics and Citizenship Levels 3–10

These six videos for teachers unpack key concepts in Civics and Citizenship highlighting perspectives of current primary and secondary teachers and students. Find videos relating to both content and effective pedagogies. Each video is accompanied by questions that can be used to prompt discussions to support teachers’ thinking ...