Geography / Year 7 / Geographical Knowledge and Understanding / Unit 1: Water in the world

Curriculum content descriptions

The quantity and variability of Australia’s water resources compared with other continents (ACHGK039)

  • investigating the main causes of rainfall and applying their knowledge to explain the seasonal rainfall patterns in their own place and in a place with either significantly higher or lower rainfall
  • interpreting the spatial distribution of rainfall in Australia and comparing it with the distribution of that of other continents
  • using the concept of the water balance to compare the effects of rainfall, run-off and evaporation on the availability of water in Australia and other continents
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Water resources,  Rainfall,  Climate


The water cycle in the Murray-Darling Basin

This 12 minute video explains the water cycle in the context of the Murray Darling Basin and the great variability in rainfall in the region causing frequent floods and droughts. It highlights the importance of the rivers in the Murray Darling Basin for agriculture, environmental health, water supply, habitat for migratory ...


Sustainable table: meet your meat

This is a website about the environmental and animal welfare issues related to the consumption of meat. It contains sections on the amount of meat we eat; the environmental impacts of consuming meat; cattle, chicken, egg-laying-hen and pig-farming factories; and what can be done to improve the current state of the meat ...


Sites2See – water education

Resources and information on water as a human right, global water equality, water management and water consumption, with a range of teacher resources for water education.


Running the rivers of the Murray-Darling Basin

This lesson sequence examines the role that river operators play in water resource management in the Murray-Darling Basin and explains how they direct water releases and track progress downstream for environmental watering and flood management. It includes a teacher PowerPoint presentation, separate teacher notes and a ...


Foreign Correspondent: The Mekong: A damming example

The government of Laos has plans for many revenue-raising dams along the Mekong River. Find out about a dam, the Nam Theun 2, which was completed in 2010 and lies across the Nam Theun river in the Nakai Plateau. This clip from the same year asks if the dam could be the flagship for others to be built along the Mekong. Discover ...


Sustainable table: the coming famine

This is a website about the key issues related to global food insecurity. It contains sections on the scarcity of primary resources; land degradation; land scarcity; waste; climate change; consequences of inaction; and proposed solutions. Photographs, statistics, graphs, maps and figures support the information. This resource ...


GeogSpace: year 7 - exemplar

This is a web page consisting of an overview and five illustrations of practice on the GeogSpace website, a resource for teachers. The illustrations relate to the Geographical Knowledge and Understanding, and the Geographical inquiry and Skills strands of the Australian Curriculum: Geography. The five illustrations investigate ...


Daily maximum temperature extremes graph for Australia

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page providing graphs that show the percentage area of the selected state or territory, or the whole of Australia, that experienced extremely hot, cold or wet conditions on each day of the year selected. The graphs are available for the previous seven years and are based ...


Daily maximum temperature extremes graphs

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides graphs that show the percentage area of the selected state or territory and the percentage area of Australia that experienced extremely hot, cold or wet conditions on each day of the month selected. Graphs on this page are available for the previous seven ...


Australian climate variability and change - trend maps

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides trend maps for a number of climate variables including mean, maximum and minimum temperature, total rainfall, sea surface temperature, density of highs and lows, cloud cover and pan evaporation for Australia and for each state and the Northern Territory. ...


Daily extremes

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides tables of data for the top ten temperature and rainfall records around Australia on the day, month, season or year selected. Highest and lowest maximum and minimum temperatures, as well as the highest rainfall totals, are displayed and ranked. The tables ...


Rainfall and temperature records

This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides tables of data for the highest rainfall events, and the highest and lowest temperatures for each state and the Northern Territory since 1910. As well as detailed data within each state and the Northern Territory, national data compares the average figures ...


Climate data online

This rich resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides data for rainfall, temperature, weather and climate and solar exposure recorded by weather stations around Australia. The user can access observations and statistics by entering a weather station number, or by using text or an interactive map to ...


Water In The World

This Teacher Guide provides teachers with a variety of resources and learning experiences to address the Year 7 Geography topic Water in the World. It uses teaching activities such as a feasibility funnel and a persuasion pyramid to engage students and structure ideas. The resource includes ideas for assessment as well ...


Groundwater Mini unit - Teacher and Educator notes and student activities

This unit focuses on water occurring naturally underground, known as groundwater. The unit introduces what an aquifer is and how it works, how water moves through the environment with a focus on groundwater, the Great Artesian Basin and human interaction with water. Students have opportunities to explore groundwater through ...


Exploring Australia's Seafloor

This video, presented by marine ecologist Dr Rachel Przeslawski, explores how marine scientists make maps of the seafloor and what these maps are used for. Dr Przeslawski talks about her experiences as a marine scientist involved with making maps from ships and discovering the depth, shape and hardness of the sea floor. ...


Visualising water quality

This lesson sequence provides a rich opportunity to discuss sustainable water management issues, particularly those related to a local catchment. Students gather and map data which allows them to answer questions and add simple environmental data such as water quality parameters to maps using Google Maps.


Home water use audit

In this activity, students conduct a home water audit to estimate how much water their family uses and how to reduce their water waste.


School water audit (Year 7)

In this lesson sequence, students conduct a school water audit and devise an evidence-based action plan to reduce water wastage in the school. They then write a report to the school environment committee recommending three actions that the committee could take to reduce water use in the school.


Explaining our catchment

In this lesson sequence students use conceptual diagrams to identify features and relationships between features in the local waterway. Students create a conceptual diagram, using a hypothetical waterway from 'The story of a river'. They then create a digital conceptual diagram online using data collected from their local ...