Geography / Year 7 / Geographical Knowledge and Understanding / Unit 2: Place and liveability

Curriculum content descriptions

Strategies used to enhance the liveability of places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe (ACHGK047)

  • researching methods implemented in Australia and Europe to improve the liveability of a place, and evaluating their applicability to their own locality
  • developing a specific proposal to improve an aspect of the liveability of their place, taking into account the needs of diverse groups in the community, including young people (for example, through fieldwork in the local recreation area) or traditional owners (for example, developing bilingual signage or Indigenous garden projects in the local area)
  • discussing the impact of housing density on the liveability of places
  • examining whether liveability and environmental sustainability can be enhanced at the same time
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Europe,  Australia,  Urban planning,  Wellbeing,  Youth,  Young adults,  Recreational facilities

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