Geography / Year 9 / Geographical Inquiry and Skills / Communicating

Curriculum content descriptions

Present findings, arguments and explanations in a range of appropriate communication forms, selected for their effectiveness and to suit audience and purpose; using relevant geographical terminology, and digital technologies as appropriate (ACHGS070)

  • presenting an oral response, supported by visual aids including maps, to communicate a reasoned argument about a contemporary geographical issue, and responding to questions
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Oral presentations,  Creating texts,  Evidence,  Word meanings,  Geographic location,  Spatial technologies


Environmental and Zoo Education Centres – high school resources

A collection of geography and science resources for high school teachers and students to support teaching and learning from home. The resources were developed by Department of Education teachers from 25 Environmental and Zoo Education Centres in NSW and include Google Sites, programs and activities.


Save our catchment – virtual excursion

This virtual excursion offers twelve video lessons that form a sample investigation of pest species invading Australian riparian zones. Filmed on Bundjalung Country, the excursion traverses mid north coast NSW Upper Clarence River Catchment, connecting each video to companion classroom and field learning tasks. The invasive, ...


Kitchen gardens – sustainability action process (Years 7–10)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on kitchen gardens using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and ...


Food for thought: learn resources for English

This is a rich resource for teachers about the role of small farmers in the global food system. The resource includes two sets of lesson plans, one designed for the primary level and the other for secondary. Each set of lesson plans includes three downloadable documents: a teacher guide, activity sheets for students and ...


Navigating primary industries into the 21st century

This is a teacher resource containing a sequence of lessons for investigating farming and crop yields in Australia. It contains material to assist planning, implementing and assessing a study of the environmental, economic and technological factors that influence crop yields, and the role of geographical data systems and ...


Sustainable Biomes

In this geographical inquiry learning sequence students explore the main characteristics that differentiate the world’s biomes.



This learning sequence focuses on the connections people have to places across a range of scales. Students explore how transport, information and communication technologies and trade link people to many places. They explain the effects of human activities, such as production, recreation and travel, on places and environments ...


Aboriginal peoples and technologies

Students learn about the knowledge management systems of Aboriginal peoples and how they underpin the continued use of technologies for cultural, social, environmental and economic practices. Students examine historical representations and perceptions, as well as contemporary viewpoints and applications. Consideration is ...


Work sample Year 9 Geography: Geographies of interconnections

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 Geography. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Introduction to maps

This video outlines the common types of maps used in the geography classroom and the key features associated with each type of map including border, orientation, legend, title, scale and source. It details the characteristics associated with physical maps, topographic maps, political maps, synoptic charts, choropleth maps, ...


Topographic maps video

This video explores how topographic maps can be used to illustrate physical land features, geographic position and elevations. It examines how to interpret contour lines and contour intervals, and how to identify mountains, valleys, plains, vegetation and hydrology. It also examines how to use a key in a topographic map ...


Field instruments

This resource provides an overview of common geographical field instruments. It details some common field instruments used in geographical fieldwork, beginning with instruments used to record and observe weather such as thermometers and barometers. The video includes a detailed description of the purpose of topographic ...


Directions and bearings

Learn about the purpose of using direction in geography and how bearings are a more specific way of finding direction. The video also demonstrates how to use a protractor to find the bearing between two points of reference on a map. Once students become familiar with using a ruler and protractor, they will be able to apply ...


Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia: Using picture books

This is a guide to using picture books to support the cross-curriculum priority of Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia and the general capabilities of intercultural understanding and difference and diversity within the context of the learning areas such as History and Geography.


Cross-sections and transects

This video outlines how to construct a cross-section using a topographic map and grid paper. The difference between cross-sections and transects is outlined. The video demonstrates a completed cross-section and an example of a transect to provide an understanding of the key differences and similarities between each graph.


Latitude and longitude

This video outlines the features of latitude and longitude on maps. It explains the common rules and provides hints and tips associated with reading latitude and longitude in geography. It includes several worked examples demonstrating how to combine latitude and longitude to find the exact location of a place on earth.


Contours, gradient, relief and aspect

Topographic maps allow geographers to identify landscape, the gradient of a slope, relief and aspect. This video details how cartographers create maps using points of reference on the landscape. It explains how contour lines show the height of the land above sea level and how understanding contours can teach geographers ...


Catalyst: E-waste, recycling, and sustainability

What happens to electronic waste (e-waste)? Watch this clip about the physics of recycling to find out the way that useful materials are captured from waste at a local materials recovery facility. Presenter Tanya Ha investigates e-waste, the products it comes from, and the sustainability challenges it poses.


Landline: Feeding soils to grow hungry crops

How do today's farmers improve their crop yields? One school of thought is to go high-tech and use agricultural technologies designed to improve efficiencies and yields. See the role that soil condition plays in gaining those high yields.


Harvesting the future

This is a video about a project in Cambodia that aims to improve the rice farming industry by providing farmers with tarpaulins and rice grain storage bins. The video includes information and images about the importance of rice farming for this region; traditional rice cultivation methods including growing, drying, threshing ...