Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages / Year 7 to 10 / Communicating / Informing

Curriculum content descriptions

Investigate and summarise factual information obtained from a range of sources on a variety of topics and issues related to the Country/Place

[Key concepts: Indigenous knowledge, social and environmental issues, lifestyles - past and present community initiatives and projects; ; Key processes: summarising, synthesising, referencing]


  • investigating the origins of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander names in their local area, regional area and state and territory, recording meanings where known, and identifying different source languages
  • interviewing an Elder/community member to gain an historical perspective about their use of particular words and language constructions, observing correct respect protocols and presenting findings in formats such as digital presentations, posters, wall charts or oral summaries
  • researching and creating a profile of a prominent member of the language community, for example, an artist, sportsperson or leader
  • developing a photographic record/portfolio of different animal and plant species found in Country/Place, with commentary/annotations
  • seeking information from Elders to assist in classifying living things according to culturally appropriate categories, comparing these classification systems with those used in western approaches to the study of living systems
  • identifying and describing the role of various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations that provide services to their community
  • researching different aspects of a selected Indigenous business operating in the community, for example, an enterprise associated with arts, bush medicine, bush food, tourism, transportation or animal husbandry, and presenting findings in digital formats or oral presentation mode
  • analysing a range of historical documents recorded in the language, classifying content according to categories such as date, text genre (wordlist, letter), topic (Indigenous knowledge, environment, traditions, fishing/navigation, rules), purpose of the text and intention of the writer (to inform, prescribe, describe, assert authority); and presenting findings in chart or table form or by giving a presentation
  • interviewing local community members about their experiences of living on the land, their relationship with language and culture and their recollections from the past, recording and presenting key findings
  • researching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander words used in English, using resources such as the Australian National Dictionary, and identifying and explaining words that come from the local language
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Australian languages

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