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Hindi / Foundation to Year 2 / Understanding / Systems of language

Curriculum content descriptions

Understand elements of Hindi grammar, such as the subject-object-verb sentence structure, question, answer and statement forms, agreements for gender and number, the use of pronouns and postpositions and of verbs in relation to actions and commands

[Key concepts: grammar, sentences, patterns, rules; Key processes: noticing, identifying, explaining]


  • identifying people by using pronouns, such as तुम, तू, आप, मैं, मेरा, तुम्हारा।
  • understanding and responding to imperative verb forms, such as बैठ जाओ, यहाँ आओ, मेरी बात सुनो।
  • exploring how to use singular and plural forms, such as मैं, हम, मेरा, तुम्हारा
  • referring to objects using cardinal numbers, for example, एक, दो, पाँच, सात
  • noticing that adjectives are used to describe people, objects or places and are usually placed before the noun, for example, सुंदर लड़की, छोटा बच्चा, रंग-बिरंगी तितली
  • understanding the role of different words for asking questions, such as कहाँ? कौन? कब? क्या?
  • expressing negation, for example, नहीं, मत, ना
  • learning the structure of simple statements and questions, based on models such as तुम मेरे साथ चलो। तुम कैसे हो?
  • understanding that verb forms change according to gender and number, for example, लड़का गाता है। लड़की गाती है। लड़के गाते हैं।
  • describing actions using simple verbs, such as गाना, खाना, खेलना, दौड़ना
  • understanding the use of commands and post positions as in मुझको दीजिए। राम से लीजिए। वहाँ पर रखो।
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Hindi language

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