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Mathematics / Year 2 / Measurement and Geometry / Location and transformation

Curriculum content descriptions

Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features (ACMMG044)

  • understanding that we use representations of objects and their positions, such as on maps, to allow us to receive and give directions and to describe place
  • constructing arrangements of objects from a set of directions
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Maps (Geographic location),  Relative directions


Sites2See: Space and Geometry for Primary

Selected links to online resources that can support the teaching and learning of geometry for primary-aged students.


The Foos: Free Code Hour - Google Play app

Learn programming skills by animating characters in the puzzle levels. Use your new programming skills to create interactions between characters in the 'toy box' area. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Scratch Jr - Google Play app

Learn programming skills by snapping together programming blocks. Make characters walk, jump, dance and sing. Add your own voice or modify your own characters and make your own interactive story. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 10: Treasure hunt

Can you read a map and follow directions? Well if you can chances are you can help us find the buried treasure. You'll need to know right from left, east from west, clockwise from anti-clockwise and over from under. Got all that? See you at Buccaneer's Refuge 'me hearties, arrgh'. Remember X marks the spot!


Whose Country: exploring First Nations peoples languages map (0-7yrs)

Learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages can help children build their understanding of land, water and people. This activity helps to assist the identification of the language group/s on which the school or home is situated. To understand local perspectives and support these activities, we recommend ...


Pirate treasure hunt: eight challenges

Join forces with Pirate Jack. He needs your help to solve eight problems and find the hidden treasure. Use the map to work your way through the obstacles one by one and in the right order. Apply your maths and literacy skills to make sure you collect the correct item before tackling the next obstacle. For example, you’ll ...


Blue-bot - iTunes app

This app is made to be used in conjunction with the TTS floor robot, Blue-Bot. Write an algorithm and Blue-bot follows your instructions. Learn how to code using directional language. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Scratch Jr - iTunes app

Learn programming skills by snapping together programming blocks. Make characters walk, jump, dance and sing. Add your own voice or modify your own characters and make your own interactive story. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Little Red Hen's robot friend

This module focuses on the impact of technology, particularly robots, on our everyday lives. Based on the folktale The Little Red Hen, students are encouraged to create their own automated solution to help the Little Red Hen carry her wheat. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials ...


Every bird needs a home

In this set of learning activities, students investigate how habitat loss affects biodiversity. Students undertake field work and investigate the problem within the context of their school. Using a collaborative learning approach and problem-solving skills, students design a bird habitat to increase bird numbers. The module ...


Cryptic code

This set of learning activities engages students in designing bilingual signs using local aboriginal languages. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module template, is supported ...


Sometimes things move and change location: K–2 Year B – Unit 10

This unit develops understanding and skills of position.


Collections of ten are really useful: K–2 Year B – Unit 11

This sample multi–age unit develops student knowledge, understanding, and skills of place value, number representation, and data.


Problems can be solved and represented in different ways: K–2 Year B – Unit 20

This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills to solve mathematical problems using critical and strategic thinking.


Sometimes things move and change location: K–2 Year A – Unit 10

This unit develops understanding and skills of position and chance.


Out and about

Students interpret simple maps and identify the relative positions of key features.


The school delivery

Use this task to assess language the student uses to describe position, direction and pathways in familiar environments.


Position and location: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Position and location. Students interpret simple maps to describe directions from an object relative to another, using positional and directional language.


How does your garden grow?

This Stage 2 resource grew from a conversation between young students questioning why they could still buy grapes if they were out of season. This wondering led to a discussion around when we grow certain fruit and vegetables. The original stimulus was extended to cover planting for the seasons and factors that influence ...