Mathematics / Year 6 / Measurement and Geometry / Location and transformation

Curriculum content descriptions

Investigate combinations of translations, reflections and rotations, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMMG142)

  • designing a school or brand logo using transformation of one or more shapes
  • understanding that translations, rotations and reflections can change the position and orientation but not shape or size
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Translation (Geometry),  Reflection (Geometry),  Rotation


Catalyst: Measuring our coastline

How long is the Australian coastline? See Dr Derek Muller and Simon Pampena discussing the perimeter of the Australian coastline. Find out how the accuracy of that measurement depends on the length of the 'measuring stick' used. They discuss how a coastline is much like a fractal such as 'Koch's Snowflake'!


Understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 12

This 2-week unit introduces the big idea that understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 3

This unit introduces the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement.


Location Year 5 & 6 - Calculate

The focus of this activity is for students demonstrate a systematic approach to trialing and recording possible solutions. Students are encouraged to explain the method they used, compare solutions and prove they have found all the possible solutions.


Change course

Students identify transformations, and rotational and line symmetry, in regular and irregular polygons, and use transformations and symmetry to make a tessellating shape.


Transformation: Year 6 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 6 is for the topic of Transformation. Students continue to develop their understanding and skills in transformations including reflections (flips), translations (slides) and rotations (turns).


How Big? | DET - Learning sequences

This learning sequence explores measurement and geometry. Throughout the sequence, students are encouraged to estimate and test their estimates. Students transition from measuring and comparing different lengths, masses, capacities, and temperatures of common items to measuring perimeter, area of two-dimensional shapes ...


First steps in mathematics: Measurement – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding units, and direct measuring.


Space Race Game (Introducing Algorithmic Thinking) - Calculate

Space Race is a simple board game that teachers can use to introduce the concept of algorithmic sequencing to students. The teaching points provided with the game assist teachers to introduce the use of an algorithm (a simple set of mathematical instructions) to describe the trajectory of an object across a grid plane from ...


Visual representations help to understand aspects of our world (chance and position): Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 8

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that visual representations help us understand aspects of our world (chance and position).


Angles are the primary structural component of many shapes: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 10

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that angles are the primary structural component of many shapes.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 14

This multi-age unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement.


What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement: Multi-age 3–6 Year A – Unit 9

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement.



Use this sequence of 5 lessons to connect the cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability with Number, Measurement and Statistics. Helping us see the connection between our everyday actions and the larger environmental impact is important for sustainable use of resources. Use the context of water use to learn about the ...


Spotlight On Survival: Animal Communities in an Arid Environment

This series of activities focus on animal survival in arid environments, where ecosystems are subjected to extremes in temperature and the availability of water. Students investigate the effects of patterns or rainfall and drought on the ecology and consider other challenges such as the impact of feral species or human ...


Cartesian planes

This resource is designed to support student learning in Stage 3 Mathematics. It provides an interactive introduction to the Cartesian plane, its components and the use of Cartesian coordinates.


Syllabus bites – Cartesian coordinate system

This Bite is an introduction to the history, terminology, components and use of the Cartesian coordinate system. After completing the resource, students can proceed to six related Syllabus bites modules focusing on transformations on the Cartesian plane.


Sites2See – measurement for primary

Selected links to a range of interactive and print resources for Measurement topics in K-6 Mathematics.


The coloured cube

Use this task to reveal if the student can see in their ‘mind’s eye’ the transformation from a 2D net to a 3D object.


Fencing the yard

Students review and calculate perimeters and areas of rectangles.