Mathematics / Year 6 / Number and Algebra / Fractions and decimals

Curriculum content descriptions

Find a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with and without digital technologies (ACMNA127)

  • recognising that finding one third of a quantity is the same as dividing by 3
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Simple fractions,  Multiplication



This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses components of the arithmetic of fractions. It is particularly relevant for comparison and addition and subtraction of fractions with related denominators. It also contains material on finding a fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number. ...


The Earth in Space: Passing Time | DET - Learning sequences

This learning sequence aims to develop students' understanding of time. Activities explore how the passage of time is measured in units based on the movement of the Earth in space; the idea that measuring devices measure the passage of time; the relationships between units of time; that two or more different events are ...


Operating with Decimals | DET - Learning sequences

This learning sequence aims to develop student proficiency when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with decimals. A well-developed understanding of place value and number sense is critical for students to flexibly and intuitively operate with decimals. This sequence provides opportunities for students to consolidate ...


It's All in the Numbers | DET - Learning sequences

This learning sequence aims to build students’ capability to work with and classify whole numbers. It aims to develop student understanding of whole number operations – including addition, subtraction, multiplication, order of operations, factors, and multiples – by providing opportunities for students to use these concepts ...


Travel choices

This set of learning activities engages students in using data to make informed choices about travel to and from school. Students gather and analyse data on travel options in their local area, investigate what issues arise currently in travelling to and from school, use their data to help inform possible solutions, then ...


Living off-grid

This set of learning activities challenges students to create simple, environmentally sustainable solutions that generate energy and produce clean drinking water for living off-grid. Students design and build their solutions as examples of ways to provide these essential services in a developing country, in a developed ...


Caring for country

In this set of learning activities, students explore how to restore native vegetation disturbed by natural events or human activity. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module ...


Event Planner - Calculate

This investigative project gives students the experience of being a professional ‘event planner’, by organising a special event such as a wedding reception, farewell or special birthday party. Students are asked to prepare a comprehensive plan that outlines a floor and seating plan, a fully costed menu, a monetary quote ...


Inquiry Prompt Ribbon Bow - Calculate

This open-ended task challenges students to carry out a mathematical investigation using a ribbon-bow as a stimulus. They are encouraged to develop their own research questions and investigate possible solutions using using mathematical problem solving and modelling strategies.


Work Unit: Mr Moon’s feathery problem - Calculate

This unit of work provides a rich, contextual activity through which students can explore the applications of measurement (length, area and capacity), to a real problem in an everyday context for Students in Years 5 & 6.


'Mission to Mars' - An AMSI Schools 'Rich Task' in Number & Place Value - Calculate

This task aims provide a rich, contextual activity through which students can gain an understanding of the distances relevant to the size of our solar system, and how an understanding of place value, metric measurement systems and time measurement can be used to represent these large distances and convert calculations ...


Fractions Year 6 - Calculate

This activity challenges students to unpack a rule and see if it is being used correctly. Often students will just learn a rule and blindly use it. This task asks students to stop and think and then make corrections to ensure the rule works in all cases (generalise).


Money Year 5 & 6 - Calculate

The focus of this activity to challenge students to apply their knowledge of the four operations to solve a problem involving money. Students also need to demonstrate their ability to explain using evidence which option is the best.


Problem Solving (Year 6) - Calculate

This unit investigates the idea of problem solving in the year 6 classroom. By the end of Year 6 students should be able to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division or any combination of these processes. They should have a variety of problem-solving strategies in their repertoire, both ...


Work sample Year 6 Mathematics: Fundraiser

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 6 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Smart shopping

Students compare and evaluate different shopping options.


When I post something online how permanent is it?

Students engage in a photo rip up activity to emphasize the permanency of online information, they explore factor trees, doubling and line graphs through the lens of sharing information, and they collaboratively develop a set of protocols around sharing information online.


Mathematical modelling: Year 6 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 6 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving natural and rational numbers and percentages, including in financial contexts. They formulate the problem, choose operations and efficient calculation strategies, and use ...


Owning a pet

This lesson asks students to explore statistics about pet ownership in Australia and the cost of buying and maintaining a pet. During the activities, students are asked to gather and compare data about pets in Australia using trusted information sources such as the RSPCA. They go on to consider the costs and benefits of ...


Paying It Forward Years 5-6

This is a cross-curricular unit about the values that underpin Australia’s democracy, the freedoms they enjoy and their role and the role of the government as duty bearers of rights. Students learn to appreciate the role of volunteers and Australia’s three levels of government in supporting the community. Students will ...