Health and physical education / Year 3 and 4 / Personal, Social and Community Health / Contributing to healthy and active communities

Curriculum content descriptions

Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing (ACPPS041)

  • participating in physical activities in natural environments in the local area and reflecting on the enjoyable components of participation
  • comparing the characteristics and benefits of physical activities that can take place in a natural environment and those that take place in a built environment
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
ScOT terms

Communities,  Human settlements,  Physical activity


Creating a yarning circle: yarning circle activities

Yarning circles provide opportunities for all to be heard, for discussions to be had and for understandings to be reached. This learning activity provides activity ideas for use in a yarning circle and will support students to develop a calendar for the yarning circle; be empowered to utilise the space regularly and meaningfully; ...


Creating a yarning circle: yarning and wellbeing

This learning activity will help you make connections between yarning and wellbeing programs, and how you can use yarning circles to support respectful, honest and open communication to promote connectedness among students, particularly using the morning circle routine. It is part of a sequence of 8 individual learning ...