Digital technologies / Foundation to Year 2 / Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise and explore patterns in data and represent data as pictures, symbols and diagrams (ACTDIK002)

  • sorting objects and events based on easily identified characteristics and using digital systems to represent patterns in data, for example sorting birthdates and presenting the patterns using seasonal symbols
  • making generalisations about data sets, for example comparing different ways of travelling to and from school using classroom data, discussing results and finding patterns in modes of travel
  • experimenting with different ways of representing patterns, for example using materials, sounds, movements or drawing
  • exploring with patterns of objects or symbols to represent data, for example the symbol 12 may represent different data to 21, or that an email address has a name followed by an @ symbol followed by another type of name
  • creating different patterns using the same elements, for example using patterns of coloured counters to communicate and give meaning such as a response of ‘yes’ or ‘no’
  • learning about how data are represented by changing pixel density (resolution) in a photograph with support and noting the change in file size to successfully email to a friend
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Data representation,  Graphs (Data representation)


Create your own card game

Grab a deck of cards and a bunch of friends and create your own card game. What sort of rules will you decide on? Get a pen and some paper out and brainstorm some possibilities. You might decide on something like 'If I draw a red card, I get a point' and 'If I draw a black card, you get a point.' What other rules can you ...


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years F-2 Sample Assessment Task: Digital Systems - Presentation materials

The Digital systems presentation materials to support the assessment task provides a scaffold to teach about and assess students’ understanding of how digital systems can be used to collect data about the school environment. Students are guided to use digital systems such as photo apps on digital devices and online maps ...


Wodonga South Primary School – Podcast

This podcast includes information about the aims, challenges, insights and accomplishments of Wodonga South Primary School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Wodonga South Primary School – Progress report 3

This video explains the progress that Wodonga South Primary School has made in the Digital Technologies in Focus project. It is the third in a series of four.


Wodonga South Primary School – Progress report 1

This video explains the progress that Wodonga South Primary School has made in the Digital Technologies in Focus project. It is the first in a series of four.


St Mary’s Primary School – Podcast

This podcast includes information about the aims, challenges, insights and accomplishments of St Mary's Primary School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Green Hill Public School – Progress report 1

This video explains the progress that Green Hill Public School has made in the Digital Technologies in Focus project. It is the first in a series of three.


Bethany Christian School – Final report

This report provides details of Bethany Christian School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project, including a Research question, criteria for success, data collection, resources, challenges, milestones and next steps.


Bethany Christian School – Podcast

This podcast includes information about the aims, challenges, insights and accomplishments of Bethany Christian School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Bethany Christian School – Timeline

This document presents the milestones in Bethany Christian School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Bethany Christian School – PL ecosystem

This document illustrates the network of people and resources that make up Bethany Christian School's Professional Learning ecosystem.


Bethany Christian School – Progress report 2

This video explains the progress that Bethany Christian School has made in the Digital Technologies in Focus project. It is the second in a series of four.


Expert webinar video: Dr Karen Joyce: Map my school

Dr Karen Joyce from STEM education provider She Maps discusses geospatial mapping and methods for teaching underpinning concepts to primary, secondary and tertiary students. Her presentation provides opportunities to think about how we might teach digital systems, data collection and interpretation to our students in context.


Work sample Years 1 and 2 Digital Technologies: Organising ideas: My school

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Years 1 and 2 Digital Technologies. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic ...


Work sample Foundation Year Digital Technologies: Design project: To market

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Foundation Year Digital Technologies. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic ...


Questions we have about the internet

This classroom activity is designed to help students understand that the internet is a digital network that connects people all over the world. This means it is important to be safe when you go online.


Foundation: Representing data

This scope and sequence unit introduces students to exploring how data – such as a picture, object or symbol – can be used to communicate an idea or observation. They represent data with familiar objects, and identify the features that can help us differentiate one object from the other.


Years 1–2: Solving simple problems

This scope and sequence unit provides opportunities to explore algorithms conceptualising algorithms as a sequence of steps or procedures for carrying out instructions to solve problems. It also incorporates representing data as part of our algorithms.


Years 1–2: Ways we represent data

In this scope and sequence unit students represent objects, ideas and events as pictures, symbols, numbers and words. Students represent the data they have acquired in different ways.


Foundation: Using digital systems safely

This scope and sequence unit introduces students to common digital systems and builds an understanding of the role hardware and software play as students use digital systems for a purpose. They also learn about how to practice being safe users of digital systems.