Digital technologies / Year 7 and 8 / Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Curriculum content descriptions

Investigate how digital systems represent text, image and audio data in binary (ACTDIK024)

  • explaining that characters in text correspond to numbers defined by the character set, for example ‘A’ corresponds to 65 in the ASCII and Unicode character sets
  • recognising that Unicode attempts to represent the written symbols of every language; and using Unicode charts to look up characters from Asian writing systems
  • investigating the different representation of bitmap and vector graphics and its consequences, for example pixelation in magnified bitmap and vector images
  • investigating how colours are represented in images and videos, for example manipulating red, green and blue (RGB) colours in an image editor
  • converting between decimal and 8-bit (1 byte) unsigned binary, covering whole numbers typically used for characters and RGB, for example 65 in decimal is 01000001 in 8-bit binary
  • explaining ways media elements are presented, for example the difference between embedded and linked media elements
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Indices,  Data encoding,  Binary numeral system,  Computer files


Assessment: Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies sample Data assessment tasks: years 7-8

Resource description This resource provides strategies for assessing students' understanding of the ways in which data can be sourced, organised and represented to maximise options for analysis, evaluation, decomposition and visualisation in order to create digital solutions. The context of the resource is the liveability ...


ACARA sample assessment task: years 7-8

This resource provides strategies for assessing students' understanding of the ways in which data can be sourced, organised and represented to maximise options for analysis, evaluation, decomposition and visualisation in order to create digital solutions. The context of the resource is the liveability of the places in which ...


How computers compute

Watch as Jamie Teherani from MIT, demonstrates how a big, mechanical computer made from wood works. What does it have in common with the high-tech computers of today?


Faith Lutheran College – PL ecosystem

This document illustrates the network of people and resources that make up Faith Lutheran College's Professional Learning ecosystem.


Faith Lutheran College – Project proposal

This PDF outlines Faith Lutheran College's proposal to participate in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Years 7–8: Binary numbers

This scope and sequence unit introduces students to the binary system of ones and zeros used by digital technology to store and process numbers.


The maths behind RGB images

In this lesson, students explore the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour model commonly used in digital imaging and display systems. They learn how each colour in the RGB model is represented by 8 bits and understand why there are 256 color intensities for each channel. Students will represent the 8 bits using their mathematical ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Chatbot

Write programs to solve problems with code and create word games! In this DT Challenge, you'll learn how to play Mad Libs, Questions, Taboo, and Word Chain, and even write your very own Pirate Chatbot! Can you fool your friends into thinking they're talking to a real person? Learn how to create a series of word games with ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Smart garden

Learn how to program a BBC micro:bit using Python — no experience required. Learn the basics of programming in Python with our full BBC micro:bit simulator. Create a Smart Garden device to monitor the health of your plants, measuring temperature and wiring up a simple soil moisture sensor.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Blockly - Geometry

Explore geometry through programming, and draw intricate patterns and explosive fireworks! In this challenge, you’ll learn about how computers use angles, parallel lines and geometric transformations to generate the text and images you see on your screen every day. Use what you learn to develop your own fonts, pattern generators ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Javascript - Space Invaders

In this coding challenge, students learn about programming in JavaScript, including data representation, decomposition, design, branching, iteration, functions, variables, animations, tracing and evaluation.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Introduction to Microbit

In this challenge students use the BBC micro:bit as an embedded system to create different pieces of a virtual pet game. Students in the process learn about the micro:bit’s features and can think about how to make their own version of a virtual pet game, or even an entirely new project. Discover how embedded hardware (micro:bit) ...


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Biology

Learn about the differences between animals, and how Biologists use programming to help them do science! We'll learn about the features of animals, structural and behavioural adaptation, and how to use these properties in order to identify them. So hop in and learn some science! This course is based on the Year 5 science ...


Assessment resources

Browse assessment resources.


Creating my own spreadsheet to convert binary to decimal

A spreadsheet can be used to do calculations quickly using formulas. How can we make a spreadsheet that converts a binary number to a decimal number? This lesson provides some guidance and Excel files for student and teacher use.


Home automation with AI

Home automation is all the rage. You talk to your mobile phone to control the lights, the fan, the air conditioner, or your pool pump. But how does it work? In this lesson, we explore the AI that could power a home automation system.


Data bias in AI

Artificial intelligence can sometimes be biased to certain shapes or colours. When such AI systems are applied to situations that involve people, then this bias can manifest itself as bias against skin colour or gender. This lesson explores bias in AI, where it comes from and what can be done to prevent it.


Home automation: General purpose programming

Investigate home automation systems, including those powered by artificial intelligence (AI) with speech recognition capability. These suggested activities for year levels 7-8 are designed for students using general purpose programming languages JavaScript and Python, with similar content to the visual coding lesson Home ...


Project Quantum: Online assessment system

Project Quantum helps computing teachers check their students’ understanding, and support their progress, by providing free access to an online multiple-choice assessment system and question bank. To use Project Quantum, you will need to create a free account.


Anti-bullying AI

Sometimes we write and post things on social media in a hurry. Such posts can hurt people and even make them feel bullied. Wouldn't it be great if an Artificial Intelligence application could check our posts as we write them, and warn us if they were potentially hurtful?