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Digital technologies / Year 9 and 10 / Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Curriculum content descriptions

Investigate the role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing the movement of and access to data in networked digital systems (ACTDIK034)

  • explaining how an operating system manages the relationship between hardware, applications and system software
  • comparing the similarities and differences of two common operating systems
  • identifying how changes to the configuration of an operating system change the operation of hardware and software components in a networked digital system
  • explaining the role of hardware and software components in allowing people to interact with digital systems, for example using a mouse or touch pad or screen, speech, accelerometer
  • investigating the operation and use of robotic process control systems
  • explaining encryption of data as a means of protecting data, for example secret keys and ‘exclusive or’ (XOR) and hashing algorithms to digitally sign data
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Software,  Information management,  User interfaces,  Computers,  Transmission control protocols,  Internet


Keeping secrets

In this lesson sequence students examine cryptography and modern encryption methods for transmitting digital data securely. Encryption of data is a means of protecting data, one example being the use of secret and public keys.


Working together

In this lesson sequence students, through role-play and other activities, develop understandings of the role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing the movement of and access to data in networked digital systems.


What are IP addresses?

Meet Vint Cerf, the co-creator of the internet! In this clip, Vint and software engineer Paola Mejia explore the way computer networks talk to each other. Find out what an IP address is and why it's similar to a street address. What's the domain name system? And how does your computer find out the IP address of a website ...


How is your personal information kept secret on the internet?

Lots of private data is exchanged over the internet. What are some examples? As Mia Epner explains, cryptography allows for the secure transfer of data online. How does encryption work? And what is a key? Today information is encrypted using 256 bit keys. This keeps information safe because it means there are way too many ...


Cyber security analysis from The Conversation

This is a collection of articles about cyber security. It includes articles on cyber-espionaage, cyber crime, data security, government policy around cyber security, and international perspectives including from US, China and UK. The articles are written in plain language and are authored by experts from universities in ...


St James Catholic College – PL ecosystem

This document illustrates the network of people and resources that make up St James Catholic College's Professional Learning ecosystem.


Faith Lutheran College – PL ecosystem

This document illustrates the network of people and resources that make up Faith Lutheran College's Professional Learning ecosystem.


Faith Lutheran College – Project proposal

This PDF outlines Faith Lutheran College's proposal to participate in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Alyangula Area School – Progress report 1

This video is a summary of a progress report into the implementation of Digital Technologies in the Alyangula Area School.


Newsletter – December 2017

This newsletter from the Digital Technologies in Focus project includes information about schools' projects, the Australian Curriculum and useful resources.


Newsletter – July 2018

This newsletter from the Digital Technologies in Focus project includes information about schools' projects, the Australian Curriculum and useful resources.


Newsletter – October 2018

This newsletter from the Digital Technologies in Focus project includes information about schools projects, the Australian Curriculum, and useful resources.


Supporting implementation of Digital Technologies and the ICT Capability: part 3

This video explains ways in which the Digital Technologies curriculum and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) General Capability can be implemented in schools. This video is the last in a series of three.


Books for exploring digital technologies concepts

This PDF provides a list of books that are useful for exploring key concepts and ideas in Digital Technologies.


A–Z Digital Technologies vocabulary F–6

This PDF assists teachers in thinking about when and how to introduce Digital Technologies discipline-specific vocabulary.


Digital Technologies resource types and resource mapping template

This three-page document gives suggestions for selecting and organising Digital Technologies resources, including physical equipment, unplugged activities and online links. It includes a simple template that may be helpful in documenting these.


How do computers get hacked?

What are some examples of cyber crime? Watch this clip to find out how viruses, denial of service attacks (DDoS) and phishing scams work. What is a botnet? And how are they used by hackers to bring down websites? Most of the time computers get hacked because of simple mistakes users make. What can users do to better protect ...


Years 9–10: Cybersecurity

This unit considers how and why data is kept secure on the internet. Students refresh and build on their understanding of network hardware and internet protocols. They examine the Australian Privacy Principles and their implications for individuals and organisations, providing a rationale to explore how cyberthreats can ...


Systems Thinking and AI applications

This lesson takes a systems thinking approach to understanding the place of artificial intelligence (AI) as a component within solutions to real world problems, such as predicting bushfire hotspots, spotting and monitoring animals in the wild, automated horticulture and agriculture, and early detection of medical issues.


Project Quantum: Online assessment system

Project Quantum helps computing teachers check their students’ understanding, and support their progress, by providing free access to an online multiple-choice assessment system and question bank. To use Project Quantum, you will need to create a free account.