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Digital technologies / Year 3 and 4 / Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Curriculum content descriptions

Plan, create and communicate ideas and information independently and with others, applying agreed ethical and social protocols (ACTDIP013)

  • considering ways of managing the use of social media to maintain privacy needs, for example activating privacy settings to avoid divulging personal data such as photographs, addresses, and names and recognising that all digital interactions are difficult to erase (digital footprints)
  • using a range of online tools to share information and being aware that information may be received at different times, for example adding entries to a class blog, participating in a web conference or online chat with an author, or participating in a forum on a specific topic
  • organising and creating different types of information for sharing and collaborating online, for example planning the sequence and appearance of an animation, and sharing it online with students from another school
  • managing a project that involves students working together to publish online, for example identifying how group members can help each other to avoid delays in finishing the project
  • discussing digital citizenship rules and behaviours for participating in an online environment, for example not using all capital letters when expressing a strong viewpoint about a contentious matter and ensuring that the audience is aware of your identity
  • making ethical decisions when faced with reporting inappropriate online behaviour or acknowledging digital products created by others, for example making a decision based on how individuals would like to be treated by others
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
ScOT terms

Cooperation,  Ethics,  Information management,  Social media,  Digital citizenship


Rubbish recording and reduction: Part 2

In this lesson sequence students use Excel to represent data in a variety of ways.


Rubbish recording and reduction: Part 1

In this lesson sequence students survey and collect data concerning what is brought to school each day and subsequently becomes rubbish. They then use Excel to represent that data in a variety of different ways.


Classroom ideas: Choose your own adventure: years 3-6

This PDF provides a sequence of activities that allow students to view and create planning templates and algorithms when making 'Choose Your Own Adventure' stories. Older students can use the visual programming language Scratch to build their stories.


Digital citizenship

Find out about Digital citizenship. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Expert Webinar video: Professor Stephen Heppel: The impact of environmental factors on learning

In this video Professor Stephen Heppell, discusses the aggregation of marginal gains in learning environments. He provides examples from the Learnometer project, designed to help students monitor their classroom environment for factors that may hinder learning.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies years 3-4 Digital Systems sample assessment task: Cooling the school

This document provides a scaffold to teach and assess students’ understanding of how digital systems can be used to monitor and collect information used for mapping and making judgements about the environment. Students record information using digital systems to investigate a school need, then design solutions to improve ...


Activities that promote Digital Technologies concepts and incorporate Numeracy: part 6: Using literature as a springboard to Numeracy and Digital Technologies

This video provides suggestions for ways in which Digital Technologies can be used to develop students' learning in the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.


Expert webinar video: In conversation with Paul Mead from She Maps: A wide-ranging discussion from women in Technology and unconscious bias to digital systems and the ethical and safety considerations of using drone technologies

Paul Mead, from STEM education provider She Maps, discusses unconscious bias in young students and how She Maps is spreading the word about women who work with technologies in the field. He discusses digital systems and explains how geospatial systems and geographical information systems are used to collect, analyse and ...


Expert webinar video: Dr Michelle Ellis: Learning resources for using micro:bits

Dr Michelle Ellis gives a demonstration of the Edith Cowan University Makerspace visual and general-purpose programming environment. She also shows a range of materials to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. This includes teaching resources and lesson plans.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years 3–4 assessment task: Living and non-living things booklet

This PDF is a booklet that accompanies the years 3-4 assessment task, Classifying living and non-living things.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies key concepts mapping: years 3-4

This PDF uses colour coding to provide a line of sight between key concepts, content descriptions and achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies: years 3-4

This PDF provides a line of sight from content descriptions to achievement standards.


ACARA sample assessment task: years 3-4: Classifying living or non-living things

This resource provides strategies for assessing aspects of the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum that relate to data using contexts from other learning areas and General Capabilities, including Science, Mathematics, Numeracy and Literacy. The resource includes an assessment planner and rubric, as ...


Years 3–4: Digital systems, safety and security

This scope and sequence unit explores peripherals of common digital systems and their function. Students investigate behaviours and protocols to stay safe online.


Agreeing to an ICT agreement

Students work together to brainstorm the dangers, problems and pitfalls in using ICT and online spaces. They collaboratively agree upon a set of protocols and rules for using technology, and develop processes and procedures to follow when using ICT.


Scratch Creative Computing Guide

There is also a series of units comprising learning activities, paired with assessment activities and templates that can be used to support use of the Scratch (MIT) platform. The Scratch Creative Computing Guide supports assessment activities with visual programming environments.


Faith Lutheran College – PL ecosystem

This document illustrates the network of people and resources that make up Faith Lutheran College's Professional Learning ecosystem.


Expert webinar video: Russell Scott - Vortals: Augmented reality, virtual reality, 2D, 3D and game design lessons

Russell Scott, Co-Founder of multimedia design company Vortals, demonstrates some of the ways he teaches students about augmented reality, virtual reality, 2D, 3D and game design.


Faith Lutheran College – Timeline

This document presents the milestones in Faith Lutheran College's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.


Faith Lutheran College – Podcast

This podcast includes information about the aims, challenges, insights and accomplishments of Faith Lutheran College's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.