Digital technologies / Year 5 and 6 / Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Curriculum content descriptions

Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input (ACTDIP020)

  • experimenting with different options that involve repeat instructions, for example a continually repeating slideshow, a repeated movement in an animation, a repeated calculation in a spreadsheet
  • planning and implementing a solution using a visual programming language, for example designing and creating a simple computer game involving decisions and repetitions, suitable for younger children, that requires user input to make selections, taking into account user responses
  • designing and creating a solution that is interactive, using a visual programming language, for example designing a user interface for people with disability, taking into account visibility and size of icons; or creating a quiz that provides feedback on response and allows the user to try again
  • creating a quiz where questions are repeated until the correct response is given, for example questions and feedback on responses in a few slides in a slideshow
  • programming a robot to operate independently, for example to find its way out of a maze
  • experimenting with different ways of instructing to make choices and repeat instructions, for example using ‘IF’ statements to allow for making choices and iterations (repeat instructions) until a goal is achieved
General capabilities
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Decision making,  Computer programming


Classroom ideas: Choose your own adventure: years 3-6

This PDF provides a sequence of activities that allow students to view and create planning templates and algorithms when making 'Choose Your Own Adventure' stories. Older students can use the visual programming language Scratch to build their stories.


Digital citizenship

Find out about Digital citizenship. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Classroom ideas: Micro:bit environmental measurement (visual and general-purpose programming): years 5-8

This tutorial shows ways in which environmental factors such as lighting and temperature can be measured and improved using micro:bits and sensor boards, and programmed using pseudocode, visual programming and general-purpose programming.


Scope and sequence overview

This resource provides a possible set of sequenced topics that could be used in teaching the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies curriculum Version 9.0 to address the content descriptions of the curriculum.


Years 5–6: Programming challenges

This scope and sequence unit provides a sequence for teaching programming incorporating branching, iteration (repetition) and variables.


Years 5–6: Designing a digital solution

This scope and sequence unit explores the user-centred design process through three different pathways that incorporate visual programming.


Years 5–6: App design

This scope and sequence unit enables students to explore app design, through a process of problem definition, prototyping and evaluation. Students explore concepts of user interface design, design criteria and user stories. They use visual programs including variables, input and control structures to produce an app.


Animate Your World

This activity invites students to explore coding an animation using a computer, a webcam and Scratch programming. Interactive animations allow learners to animate their world and their own movements. Students use a tool called video sensing that uses motion picked up from the webcam to start and engage with digital animations ...


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Smart Garden

Learn how to program a BBC micro:bit using Blockly — no experience required. Learn the basics of programming in Blockly with our full BBC micro:bit simulator. Create a Smart Garden device to monitor the health of your plants, measuring temperature and wiring up a simple soil moisture sensor.


digIT Robotics workbook

This brief lesson provides an introduction to coding MakerBots (mBots) using a block language. It provides introductory information about the robot's sensors, motors and microcontroller so students can control the mBot.


digIT Games workbook

This lesson will help students develop a basic understanding of computer programming structures by using block language Scratch. It will also introduce student to using Python with the Makey Makey electronic input device to create a game controller.


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Satellite

Learn how to use the Turtle in Blockly to draw and create with code. You'll draw a satellite piece by piece, building up your coding skills and learning advanced programming concepts like loops and functions.


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Space Invaders - Mini

Command an alien space fleet to save your home planet from global catastrophe. Build a fleet of drone ships using advanced top-secret technologies. On your journey to Earth, slingshot around a black hole and mine for valuable resources. Your mission is to outsmart Earth’s Global Defense System in your quest for precious ...


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Chatbot

Write programs to solve problems with code and create word games! In this DT Challenge, you'll learn how to play Mad Libs, Questions, Taboo, and Word Chain, and even write your very own Pirate Chatbot! Can you fool your friends into thinking they're talking to a real person? Learn how to create a series of word games with ...


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Space Invaders

In this coding challenge, students learn about programming in Blockly, including data representation, decomposition, design, branching, iteration, functions, variables, animations, tracing and evaluation.


PyGame in a Day

As a general purpose programming language, python has a number of libraries that can be used for different purposes. PyGame is a free and open source python library that makes it easier to make multimedia applications like games.


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Turtle

Control a turtle and draw amazing pictures with code. In this challenge you'll learn the fundamentals of programming by using instructions to position a turtle on the screen, drawing lines, patterns and shapes in the same way computers draw images. Computers use the input from users and the environment to give us feedback ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Biology

Learn about the differences between animals, and how biologists use programming to help them do science! We'll learn about the features of animals, and how to use their differences in order to classify them. So hop in and learn some science!


My digital portfolio

Students create their own website to record and present their learning. As part of the process students respectfully and constructively comment on each other’s webpage.


Storm survivor: Input, decision-making and loops

Students use a visual programming language to create a game or quiz to help members of a community prepare for a severe weather event.