Digital technologies / Year 7 and 8 / Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Curriculum content descriptions

Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors (ACTDIP029)

  • investigating and designing some common algorithms, such as to search, sequence, sort, merge, control data structures
  • checking the accuracy of an algorithm before it is implemented, for example desk checking it with test data to see if the instructions produce the expected results
  • using diagrams to describe key decisions, for example creating flowcharts using digital systems to describe a set of computational instructions
  • using structured English to express algorithmic instructions, for example using conventional statements such as ‘while’ and ‘endwhile’ in a ‘while loop’ when describing interactive instruction
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Numeracy Numeracy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Predictions (Science),  Diagrams,  Trial and error,  Algorithms



Find out about algorithms. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.



Find out about robotics. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


General-purpose programming

Find out about General-purpose programming. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Game-based learning

Find out about Game-based learning. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Computational thinking poster

This infographic provides an overview overview of the concepts related to computational thinking.


Make your own microbit seismometer instructions and classroom activities

This 12 page guide explains how to set up a micro:bit as a mini seismometer that will detect shaking, and how to collect and display the data. The guide also includes classroom-ready activities on how to introduce and explore vibrations and earthquake monitoring.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Networking with Micro:Bit

Learn how to code the micro:bit to use the radio! In this DT Mini Challenge, you can create wireless networks to send pictures and messages around the room! You'll start by sending simple messages, but work up to making your own interactive games with your friends! Dive on in and you'll be sending secret messages in no time!


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Smart garden

Learn how to program a BBC micro:bit using Python — no experience required. Learn the basics of programming in Python with our full BBC micro:bit simulator. Create a Smart Garden device to monitor the health of your plants, measuring temperature and wiring up a simple soil moisture sensor.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Sport Micro:Bit

Use Python to program a micro:bit for sport! Get excited about coding even if you have no experience. You'll use the Python language to write your own programs, and make interactive games and tools to improve your health.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Javascript - Space Invaders

In this coding challenge, students learn about programming in JavaScript, including data representation, decomposition, design, branching, iteration, functions, variables, animations, tracing and evaluation.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Introduction to Microbit

In this challenge students use the BBC micro:bit as an embedded system to create different pieces of a virtual pet game. Students in the process learn about the micro:bit’s features and can think about how to make their own version of a virtual pet game, or even an entirely new project. Discover how embedded hardware (micro:bit) ...


PyGame in a Day

As a general purpose programming language, python has a number of libraries that can be used for different purposes. PyGame is a free and open source python library that makes it easier to make multimedia applications like games.


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Biology

Learn about the differences between animals, and how Biologists use programming to help them do science! We'll learn about the features of animals, structural and behavioural adaptation, and how to use these properties in order to identify them. So hop in and learn some science! This course is based on the Year 5 science ...


Pencil code program: Chaos game

The ‘chaos game’ is a way to see how patterns can result from certain random events. Use this program to run the chaos game, randomly moving the turtle to create a pattern. Have students analyse or fill in or change parts of the pencil code program.


Game design

This sequence of lessons integrates game design using scratch and a Makey Makey programming board.


Describing an everyday object

In this lesson, students act like the inventor of an everyday object that does not yet exist. Students abstract the essential details, and describe what need would be fulfilled by the new object and how, specifically, it functions. They will then translate the description into a format appropriate for modeling the object ...


Rock, Paper, Scissors AI!

In this lesson we use the game rock, paper scissors to investigate how an AI can recognise your hand gestures. Firstly students create, train and test their own AI model. They import their AI model into a pre-made JavaScript program to modify the computer program to incorporate game play. The level of game play will depend ...


Home automation: General purpose programming

Investigate home automation systems, including those powered by artificial intelligence (AI) with speech recognition capability. These suggested activities for year levels 7-8 are designed for students using general purpose programming languages JavaScript and Python, with similar content to the visual coding lesson Home ...


Coding for GUIs (JavaScript edition): Index page

This lesson sequence provides step-by-step video tutorials and challenges to incorporate Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) into your General Purpose Programming. It follows on from the Visual To Text Coding lesson series.


Visual to text coding: Lesson 3

This is the third in a series of lessons to transition from visual coding to text-based coding with a general-purpose programming language. This lesson may take two to three 45-minute periods. It introduces how to generate and use random numbers.