Science / Year 10 / Science inquiry / Planning and conducting

Curriculum content descriptions

plan and conduct valid, reproducible investigations to answer questions and test hypotheses, including identifying and controlling for possible sources of error and, as appropriate, developing and following risk assessments, considering ethical issues, and addressing key considerations regarding heritage sites and artefacts on Country/Place (AC9S10I02)

  • addressing possible sources of error through choice of equipment, variable control or further testing
  • considering possible confounding variables or effects and ensuring these are controlled or accounted for in planned methods for data collection and analysis
  • identifying safety risks and impacts on animal welfare and ensuring these are effectively managed within an investigation
  • identifying the potential hazards of chemicals or biological materials and processes used in experimental investigations and how these should be addressed
  • addressing ethical issues when collaborating with First Nations Australians to explore the development of a commercial product based on traditional ecological knowledges
  • modelling how to report the discovery of unregistered First Nations Australians artefacts and heritage or any unauthorised disturbance
  • considering the ethical and social issues and legal responsibilities involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes before starting an investigation involving animals
General capabilities
  • Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Independence (Experiments),  Ethics,  Safety,  Experiments,  Data collection


Designing urban carbon sinks lesson

In this lesson, students learn about the role of vegetation as carbon sinks, conduct field work to evaluate local carbon sinks and explore urban design issues. Students asses their own carbon footprints using the carbon footprint calculator, learn about carbon offset, carbon farming and carbon storage programs. Students ...


Climate change – creating critical thinkers … not sceptics!

Climate change was once just part of the science domain, but today it is a political juggernaut! This unit explores the science of climate change as a scientific concept and a political issue. The unit includes PDF resources and video quiz challenges for teachers and student and the library section provides extra resources ...



This resource contains ten IWB flipcharts as well as Flash alternative exercises and models how to plan a scientific investigation, choose the right equipment and follow safe working practices.


Invictus Games Sydney 2018 – Science – Stage 5

Modern prosthetics are developed to offer comfort and practicality in a range of complex environments. This Stage 5 unit, The science and technology of prosthetics and the physics of movement, explores a number of technological advances in the field of prosthetics including material strength, sensors and actuators and osseointegration. ...


Series circuits

In this resource, students will use a simulation to build a series circuit with batteries, light bulbs, resistors, and switches. From their experimentation, students will understand how different components affect the circuit, and explore the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance.


Catalyst: Impact of coming to school on carbon emissions

How big is your carbon footprint as you travel to and from school? Watch Daniel O'Doherty, 2008 'Action Against Climate Change' Eureka Schools Prize winner, as he determines his hypothesis then designs and conducts a study about carbon emissions. Listen to the recommendations he makes to reduce and offset the emissions ...


Could you make a unicorn by crossing DNA?

Good question! Find out whether this is possible by watching as biologist at MIT, Dr Sera Thornton explains. What is a genome? And why do genomes need to be decoded? If the rhino genome was successfully decoded and the part that described the rhino horn was isolated, what would the process be for creating a unicorn?


The power of science photography

Visual art and science are often considered to be separate fields. Watch as Phred Petersen talks about the way he combines his passions of photography and science. What is the role of technology in enabling this crossover? What kinds of scientific discoveries can be assisted by high-speed photography? And how can scientific ...


Green packaging lesson

This lesson plan engages students in finding ways to reduce plastic waste in food packaging. Students investigate problems created by plastic waste then observe ways these issues are being addressed. They design new packaging for food items that currently produce excessive waste then test their designs objectively. The ...


Four Corners: Fire management strategies

What role do fire-behaviour specialists and ecologists have in fire management? Watch this clip to find out about issues relating to fire management in Australia, in particular prescribed burning.


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher

Different types of chemical reactions are used in many everyday products. Watch this clip to see how two common household substances can be combined to create an 'Invisible Candle Extinguisher'.


Cool colour

This is a lesson plan, complete with instructions, materials list, worksheets and photographs of the expected results from the ABC's surfing scientist. The students are encouraged to participate in a first-hand science activity using sugar and colour-coated chocolate lollies.


Atoms of Fire: What makes salt and sugar so different?

Have you ever accidentally sprinkled sugar on your dinner or spooned salt into your coffee? Those white crystals might look the same but they taste very different because they are made of different kinds of atoms bonded in different ways. Discover how chemists identify what kinds of atoms a compound is made of, then find ...


Exploring atoms: atom structure

See how scientists such as Ernest Rutherford have investigated the structure of atoms. Explore possible models. Fire charged particles at atoms and find which model best fits the results. This learning object is one in a series of six objects. Three of the objects are also packaged as a combined learning object.


The mountain-pygmy possum: On the edge

In this series of tasks, students identify habitats for the endangered mountain pygmy-possum, and use Geographic Information System (GIS) and geographical techniques to identify preferred survey sites and to estimate population numbers. The resource focuses on the biophysical environment of suitable alpine habitats; students ...


Keep your cool | Questacon

In this activity, students design an insulation system for keeping ice cold. They investigate factors that effect how quickly an ice block melts when in sunshine, then design and test insulating mechanisms using different materials and structures. They consider the different ways heat energy is transferred (conduction, ...


The greenhouse effect

This interactive simulation explores the effect of greenhouse gases and clouds on sunlight, infrared radiation, and surface temperature of the Earth. In a series of simulations students explore why greenhouse gases affect the temperature; they compare and contrast the behaviour of sunlight and infrared radiation; investigate ...


Biodiversity – sustainability action process (Years 7–10)

This biodiversity learning resource guides students through an extended school based investigation. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and reflect on their success and their learning.


Catalyst: Large Hadron Collider discovery, 2012

Have you heard of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)? Watch this clip to find out about a scientific discovery at the LHC that left physicists uncharacteristically emotional. Catalyst's Dr Derek Muller takes you inside the LHC and talks to scientists there about the discovery of the Higgs boson and what it means for our understanding ...


Four Corners: Ecological effects of bushfires

Did you know that Australia is the most flammable continent on Earth? Watch this clip to discover how bushfires impact natural ecosystems, and how the increasing global threat of bushfires may affect Australia. Australian scientists explain the ecological consequences of fire and a US expert describes his concerns for the future.