Science / Year 10 / Science understanding / Chemical sciences

Curriculum content descriptions

identify patterns in synthesis, decomposition and displacement reactions and investigate the factors that affect reaction rates (AC9S10U07)

  • defining and representing synthesis, decomposition and displacement reactions using a variety of formats such as molecular models, diagrams, and word and balanced symbolic equations
  • identifying reaction type and predicting the products
  • investigating synthesis reactions such as reaction of metals with oxygen, formation of water and sodium chloride; decomposition reactions such as those used to extract metals; and displacement reactions such as metal and acid, neutralisation and precipitation
  • investigating the effect of a range of factors, such as temperature, concentration, surface area and catalysts, on the rate of chemical reactions
  • investigating chemical reactions employed by First Nations Australians in the production of substances such as acids and ethanol
  • investigating some of the chemical reactions and methods employed by First Nations Australians to convert toxic plants into edible food products
  • examining reactions that are used to produce a range of useful products
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
ScOT terms

Chemical reactions,  Reaction rates


Introduction to Ocean Acidification

In this series of activities students investigate how carbon dioxide affects the pH of water, and how carbon dioxide may affect fish and other marine species. They then brainstorm changes that can be made to reduce human impact on reefs, research carbon capture and storage technology, and design a device to remove carbon ...


Investigating Ocean Acidification: Student Investigations

In this activity, students explore the impacts of carbon dioxide on the marine environment. Students investigate the effect of carbon dioxide on water and the effect of acids on organisms with calcium carbonate shells. This resource is part of a suite of resources from Queensland Museum focused on ocean acidification.


Chemical world

This collection of resources focus on chemistry concepts in year ten. The resource includes a lesson sequence about atomic structure and the Periodic Table, an assessment task focussed on reaction rates and other resources that develop student skills in planning and carrying out scientific investigations in the context ...


Shell Shifts

This activity invites students to explore how the pH of a solution dictates whether carbon is present in the form needed to make seashells. The activity includes a list of tools and materials required, what to do and notice, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for further activities.


Green packaging lesson

This lesson plan engages students in finding ways to reduce plastic waste in food packaging. Students investigate problems created by plastic waste then observe ways these issues are being addressed. They design new packaging for food items that currently produce excessive waste then test their designs objectively. The ...


All about engines

What does 'horsepower' really mean? And how do engines work? Join Luke and Abhi from MIT to find out! As Abhi explains, engines produce power by forcing a mixture of fuel and air into a tight space and then burning it. Piston engines and turbine engines do this in similar, yet different ways. After watching this video, ...


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher

Different types of chemical reactions are used in many everyday products. Watch this clip to see how two common household substances can be combined to create an 'Invisible Candle Extinguisher'.


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Chemical catalysts

Have you ever heard of a catalyst? Watch as the Surfing Scientist, Ruben Meerman, demonstrates the power of a catalyst. He adds one to just two other ingredients to create a chemical reaction with spectacular foaming results - just like elephant toothpaste!


Atoms of Fire: What makes salt and sugar so different?

Have you ever accidentally sprinkled sugar on your dinner or spooned salt into your coffee? Those white crystals might look the same but they taste very different because they are made of different kinds of atoms bonded in different ways. Discover how chemists identify what kinds of atoms a compound is made of, then find ...


A mini chemistry set in a stick

Do you know how glowsticks work? Watch this clip and discover the chemical reaction that takes place when you snap a glowstick and release the reactants. Find out about chemiluminescence in nature, when scientists first created glowing sticks and the chemical equation that describes the reaction. Can you guess which glowstick ...


Water-powered engine theories need hosing down

This ABC article by Dr Karl addresses the question: will we one day be able to power cars with water? The chemical reactions involved in the formation and decomposition of water are described. Energy transformations are explained. A very useful resource to get students thinking.


Cleaning by chemical reaction

This resource provides a scaffold for students to undertake a simple experiment. Learn how museum conservators clean, and prevent deterioration and damage to silver artefacts using chemistry. In this resource, students clean a piece of silverware using the electrolysis of silver technique which incorporates redox reactions, ...


Low-carb cars

This ABC In Depth feature article explores the electric car as an alternative to petrol and diesel vehicles, with a brief reference to hydrogen powered cars. This article is comprehensive, but it is dated at 2008.


Atoms of Fire: Atoms and organic compounds

Can you imagine someone who lived over 2400 years ago saying that all matter is made up of atoms? Democritus, an ancient Greek, did. Explore the history of this scientific idea with chemist Amanda Tilbury. Hear how Swedish scientist Jöns Berzelius postulated much later that only living tissue could make an organic compound ...


Can We Help?: Exploring nanotechnology

Peter Binks, CEO of Nanotechnology Victoria, answers the question 'How does nanotechnology work?' Discover what nanotechnology is and see several examples in action, such as scratch-resistant paint used in the car industry. Consider future applications of nanotechnology in areas such as sports, health care, clothing and cleaning.


ABC News: Hydrogen-diesel engine

How might we reduce damaging emissions from diesel engines and increase their fuel efficiency at the same time? Watch as Dr Vishi Karri from the University of Tasmania describes the development of a new type of engine: the hybrid hydrogen-diesel engine. Dr Hafez A Hafez explains how the technology can be easily adapted ...


Mercury is released as coal is burnt in power stations

This resource describes research into environmental disease resulting from the heavy metal mercury. It is estimated 60,000 babies are born each year in the United States with mercury-related diseases from the burning of coal in power stations. World wide, this is a significant problem. Mercury also enters the environment ...



This is a unit of work about ethanol and other biofuels. The unit revises students understanding of the carbon cycle and renewable and non-renewable fuel sources. The inquiry focuses on a series of experiments that examine the effect of temperature on the fermentation of yeast and to determine the flash point of ethanol ...


Could you make a unicorn by crossing DNA?

Good question! Find out whether this is possible by watching as biologist at MIT, Dr Sera Thornton explains. What is a genome? And why do genomes need to be decoded? If the rhino genome was successfully decoded and the part that described the rhino horn was isolated, what would the process be for creating a unicorn?


Climate change – creating critical thinkers … not sceptics!

Climate change was once just part of the science domain, but today it is a political juggernaut! This unit explores the science of climate change as a scientific concept and a political issue. The unit includes PDF resources and video quiz challenges for teachers and student and the library section provides extra resources ...