Science / Year 1 / Science inquiry / Planning and conducting

Curriculum content descriptions

suggest and follow safe procedures to investigate questions and test predictions (AC9S1I02)

  • suggesting ways to conduct investigations safely, including being sun safe, using age-appropriate equipment such as plastic goggles and aprons, or following teacher instructions promptly
  • following steps in a guided investigation to determine how different objects move when pushed or pulled
  • exploring different ways of investigating science questions through guided discussion
  • suggesting steps for setting up and packing away equipment
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Collaborative learning,  Research questions,  Safety,  Discussions (Texts),  Predictions (Science),  Instructions


Elliot and the Surfing Scientist: Making a mobile phone disco

Have you ever wondered how sound travels? Watch Ruben Meerman, the Surfing Scientist, as he makes a mini disco using his mobile phone to discover the answer.


For the Juniors: Using and storing water on a farm

Can you imagine a farm with no water? What might happen to the animals and crops? This clip explains how important a water supply is for farmers. You will see some ways that farmers store water, which is especially important when there is limited or no rain.


Survive and thrive

In this sequence of 8 lessons, students learn about the basic needs of plants and animals including humans. They apply this knowledge to design and build a physical or digital diorama of a plant or animal habitat. Professional learning for teachers is integrated throughout the sequence.


Rice baby

This module connects students to the world around them as they discover that each person is unique whilst also sharing common traits and needs. Students cultivate a sense of empathy and experience different perspectives by being encouraged to care for their rice baby. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum ...


Our magnificent thing

This module focuses on repurposing rubbish, giving students the opportunity to consider sustainability and the impact of their lifestyle choices on the environment. Based on the fiction picture book, The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires, students are encouraged to repurpose recyclable items to create their own most ...


Physical world – design and production investigation

In this investigative task, students explore how rolling objects are affected by changes in forces including stopping, starting, rolling faster and slower and in different directions. They explore the effects of force on objects by designing a marble push course. Using a straw to exhale (push) air, students manoeuvre a ...


Environmental and Zoo Education Centres – primary school resources

A collection of digital resources for primary school teachers and students to support teaching and learning from home, with a particular focus on geography, science and history. The resources were developed by Department of Education teachers from 25 Environmental and Zoo Education Centres in NSW and include Google Sites, ...


Protecting the habitat of the manatee and the loggerhead turtle

This is a teaching-learning resource containing teaching strategies and student activities about the effects of environmental features and land use on the comfort, safety and health of manatees and loggerhead turtles in Belize. The resource has seven tabs, six of which are relevant. The first four set out the steps in the ...


Exploring the story of water

Investigate the journey of water through the environment, from the mountains to the sea through an active demonstration. Discover and discuss changes to quality of the water on this journey through the environment? OUTCOMES of this learning activity are for students to: understand the journey of water from taps to the ocean; ...


Make it go: energy change: assessment

Find out what you know about energy and how it changes. Complete a flow chart to show energy changes by identifying the energy source and the energy output of some machines. View and print a report on your work. This assessment object is one in a series of two objects.


Make it go: energy source: assessment

Find out what you know about energy and what makes things work. Match a machine to its use and identify what makes it go. Answer true/false questions to show what you know about types of energy. View and print a report on your work. This assessment object is one in a series of two objects.


Pushing and pulling: assessment

Test your understanding of push and pull forces by moving animals using monkey power. Investigate and then predict the effects of applying a force to move a range of objects of various mass. For example, select two monkeys to move a pelican, and predict whether they will move the pelican slowly, quickly or too fast.


Pet Superstars: The beagle: A nose that always knows

Meet Junior, a beagle who sniffs out all sorts of things, especially treats. Listen as Josie tells us about life with her pet dog. People say that beagles have the most amazing sense of smell. Does Junior? Find out.


For the Juniors: Breathing under the water

What would it be like to breathe under water? See the equipment humans use to help them swim under water. Find out about the special features fish have that help them 'breathe' under water.


Propagating from fruit and vegetable scraps

We’re going to use fruit and vegetable scraps to propagate or grow new plants! Investigating plant growth engages young learners in a hands-on science project and helps illustrate plant features and life-cycles. Your plants can even be planted into the garden to produce a future crop. OUTCOMES for this learning activity ...


Unit for Reception to Year 2 Butterflies: Engaging with nature

This unit of work engages students in preparing butterfly gardens in their schoolgrounds. It explores the characteristics of living and non-living things, features of caterpillars and butterflies, the lifecycle of butterflies, survival requirements, and the characteristics of butterfly gardens. The unit includes worksheets, ...


Cats, Dogs and Us: Education pack (years 1-2)

This education pack is an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) resource designed to build students' understanding about the special place domestic cats and dogs have in people's lives. The pack consists of a teaching guide, a student magazine and five student worksheets focusing on topics such as the physical characteristics ...


Mini Greenhouse| Questacon

In this activity, students make their own mini environment to sprout seeds and explore what plants need to survive. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for other related ...


Coat-hanger Scales| Questacon

In this activity, students make balance scales from coat hangers and use them to compare the weights of familiar objects. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for other ...


Balancing | Questacon

In this activity, students explore balance. They experiment with balancing their own body, then with balancing objects in their hands, on flat surfaces, and with a self-built seesaw and balance scales. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation ...