Science / Year 5 / Science understanding / Earth and space sciences

Curriculum content descriptions

describe how weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition cause slow or rapid change to Earth’s surface (AC9S5U02)

  • identifying types of weathering caused by mechanical means such as by wind abrasion, cycles of extreme heat or cold, and frost wedging; and biological means such as by plants and tree roots
  • exploring how erosion can be caused by moving air or moving water and how substances such as surface soil are relocated, and identifying examples of erosion on a local or regional scale
  • analysing the difference between weathering and erosion and comparing the timescales over which these processes can occur
  • modelling the effects of erosion on a simulated landscape and exploring factors that mitigate its effects
  • investigating how humans have changed local landscapes and predicting the effect these changes might have on rates of erosion
  • considering how First Nations Australians are impacted by the rapid erosion of sand dunes and the resulting effect of saltwater on culturally significant freshwater swamps
  • considering the effects of significant rainfall, such as a monsoon, on the transportation and deposition of river sediments in the Asia-Pacific region
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Weathering,  Rock types,  Erosion,  Geological time


Ice, wind & water | Questacon

In this activity, students explore erosion and deposition by observing the effect of ice, water and wind on the surface of sand. The activity includes a list of what is required, suggestions of what to do and notice, questions to ask, an explanation for the underlying science of what students observe and suggestions for ...


The farming environment

In this resource, students learn about the impact of extreme weather (drought) and use a scientific investigation to understand the importance of maintaining groundcover on farms to prevent soil erosion. This lesson is part of a sequence of lessons that can be used with this age-group of students. Topics include All about ...


From the paddock to the plate

This resource is a cross curriculum unit, focused on Design and Technologies, Maths, and some other areas of the curriculum. Sustainability as a cross-curriculum priority is also emphasised. Topics include All about adaptations; From paddock to plate; Safety, sustainability and technology; The farming environment; Safe ...


Geography: Landscapes and Landforms

Join Shona from Geoscience Australia and explore the formation of Australia's coastal, desert and mountain landforms and landscapes.


Weathering, erosion, landforms and regolith - Teacher notes and student activities

This 112 page booklet explores the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition. It highlights the different types of weathering, erosion and transport and provides examples of famous landscapes to enhance the understanding of these processes. It includes case studies about the formation of many Australian landforms ...


Construct a catchment - teacher resource kit

This activity kit encourages students to investigate dams and reservoirs in their local areas, and create their own model. Activities are guided by the design thinking process, and scaffold students to work in teams to investigate their local catchment, the habitats, landforms and people that would be impacted by damming ...


Teaching with videogames: Geography and Environmental Science with TerraNil

In this lesson, students restore environments and ecosystems in a future, desolate planet earth, using existing and imagined technologies with Terra Nil.


Earth and space – Stage 2

In this lesson sequence, students investigate some natural processes and human activities that cause erosion. The sequence uses a balance of synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies. The tasks provide options for students with and without technology. The sequence includes a student workbook and advice for parents ...


Sugar Shake: Erosion experiment

This activity introduces weathering and erosion by investigating why river pebbles are often rounded. The download includes background information for teachers and an activity sheet for students. The activity demonstrates the process of erosion using sugar cubes. Students are asked to predict what might happen (a hypothesis) ...


Why are river pebbles round? Sugar shake: erosion experiment

This short video introduces the concepts of weathering and erosion by investigating why river pebbles are often rounded. Students can undertake an activity which demonstrates the process of erosion using sugar cubes. They are asked to predict what might happen (a hypothesis) and then observe what does happen and relate ...


How my water travels

In this lesson sequence, students explore what happens as water soaks into or runs over the ground. They gain an understanding of a catchment from a sandpit model that show how water moves across the landscape. Students then trace the journey that their water takes every day, from catchment or aquifer to tap.


Where does rain go?

In this activity, students explore what happens to rain falling on different surfaces.


Engineering a reef

This is an illustrated narrative describes the engineering decisions made when building an artificial reef to slow coastal erosion issues encountered on the Gold Coast. It shows the creativity, innovation and community collaboration required, focusing on the value being an engineer brings to the individual and the local ...


BTN: South Australia's ancient sea fossils

Come on a palaeontologist's dig at Emu Bay, South Australia, and discover some weird-looking creatures frozen in stone. Find out what these fossils tell scientists about life on the ancient sea floor. There is a demonstration of how a fossil is formed, and you'll be surprised by the types of materials that have been preserved.


Hillside erosion: how to stop it

Find out what is causing erosion of the hills in a local area, and how this damage can be prevented. View this clip called 'Willunga Hills are falling down', created by young reporters from Willunga Primary School, South Australia. The clip was developed as part of the ABC Splash Live 'Making the news!' project, which featured ...


Water for wildlife

With Australia’s changing climate we need to adapt to our altering conditions. This is challenging but also possible for humans through behaviour change and infrastructure change (too advanced?) but not quite so easy for our precious wildlife. While water is considered renewable as it functions as part of a water cycle, ...


Creating a wildlife habitat: research

This learning activity is the first part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on creating a wildlife habitat. The order of these learning activities are: research, vision, design, planting and monitoring and care. The OUTCOMES are for children to: undertake research to determine what their local ecosystems ...


Creating a wildlife habitat: vision

This learning activity is the second part of a sequence of 5 individual learning activities focused on creating a wildlife habitat. The order of these learning activities are: research, vision, design, planting and monitoring and care. OUTCOMES for this learning activity are for children to: create a vision of what their ...


Creating a wildlife habitat: design

Creating a wildlife habitat can provide a home for a variety of local wildlife from the smallest insects and spiders to birds, reptiles, mammals and frogs. These habitats can provide a sanctuary for species that have been displaced through urbanisation, as built structures replace natural areas. The Vision activity determined ...


Soil – more than just dirt!

Explore different soil textures and discover their various properties. Through simple soil testing, children will learn to appreciate the true value soils have in helping plants grow. The learning outcomes of this activity are for children to: - understand how soil texture influences the amount of water and air it holds - ...