F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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Using drama and visual arts students explore a world of play and imagination where nothing is as ordinary as it seems.
Tingalayo is a children's song from the Carribean that has many versions in Spanish-speaking and English-speaking cultures. The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra have created a range of resources to explore and perform the song (in English and Spanish) in the classroom. Resources include a teacher's guide with differentiated ...
Discover the dramatic style of musical theatre through performance. Explore the origins and theatrical conventions and techniques of musical theatre as a performance style. Students will create a character performance based on a musical theatre piece.
An interactive music lesson where students explore the song 'Listen with your heart'.
Students learn about, make and use percussion instruments.
Firebird Forensics was a unique collaborative cross-curriculum composition and performance project to create a dance work that responds to Stravinsky's The Firebird Suite. 30 music students from government school students were given the opportunity to dissect Stravinsky’s Firebird and expand and explore their own composition ...
As the orchestra plays a piece of music called "The Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells", lots of artworks are flashed up on the screen.These pictures were sent in for the concert from schools around Australia. If the music inspries you, perhaps you could make your own artwork.
Sometimes we come across musical phrases that catch on like wildfire. With every repetition, these phrases take on more meaning. Listen closely for this jazz lick that has appeared in many forms throughout music history. What other popular musical phrases can you think of? What meanings do they carry, and what could you ...
Music that introduces the news has to be not only dramatic and exciting but also neutral. It has to introduce war and disasters, as well as weddings and elections. It turns out, the music we associate with the news worldwide often originates from movies! So, what does an effective news theme often include? How would you ...
Do you like music? There are lots of different sorts of music and plenty of instruments to play it on. In this clip, watch and listen as an orchestra of young people perform well-known pieces of music. See if you can identify any of the instruments being played.
Popcorn and other suites is a K-6 creative arts resource developed in the 1970s in big book format to introduce music notation. It has been digitally remastered for a new generation of learners. The resource contains 10 animated musical scores, along with a user information guide and video.
This unit uses dance, drama, visual arts and music to communicate student-created safety messages. Using a community-based scenario, students devise an improvised drama and choreograph a dance to highlight the importance of safe track-side behaviours; they use artworks to explore the effect of colour before creating a cartoon-based ...
In the Garden is a version of a 19th century Russian folk song. The melody is quite well known and has used in compositions by Stravinsky and Rimsky-Korsakov. This version was commissioned for the TSO and this resource includes Garden Variety an additional standalone piece inspired melody. The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra ...
Along the Peterskaya is a version of a well-known Russian folk tune. The melody has used in compositions by many composers including Stravinsky and Balakirev. This version was commissioned for the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra who have created a range of resources to explore and perform the song (in English) in the classroom. ...
Discover the key elements of theatre music through performance. Explore the key elements of musical theatre music, lyrics and orchestral score.
Find out more about papaya trees and then learn to draw one! Learn a song about climbing a tree and some movements to perform as you sing the song. Explore how to find the beat in the music.
Students create and explore advertising jingles.
Explore dance, art and music through a song about Autumn leaves. Make some art works, dance like a leaf and learn to play the song on a keyboard instrument.
Have you heard of the vibraphone? Learn all about this percussion instrument in this animation. What is it made of? How is it similar to other percussion instruments?
This unit uses various arts practices as the stimuli for exploring the safety message of Stop, Look, Listen, Think. Students create woven artworks to incorporate safety messages; they collaboratively develop a play about safety; and explore rap as a music form and combined with dance convey a safety message in a performance.