Using The Difference Bar

The Difference Bar is a tool that you can use to find the difference between two numbers. It can sometimes be difficult to find the difference between two numbers, The Difference Bar can help you in these situations.

Using The Difference Bar

  1. Read Dario's instructions to get help with each activity.
  2. Use this slider to help work out the difference between the numbers. Move the slider to the right to add on amounts. Keep adding on amounts until you have found the difference.
  3. Enter the final answer in this box at any time.

You can answer equations by entering the correct numbers in other answer boxes as they appear.

Using The Difference Bar

  1. Enter your answers in the box.
  2. Select Reset to work with the same numbers in a different way using The Difference Bar. Only choose it if you want to start again.
  3. Select Help to see instructions on how to use The Difference Bar.
  4. Select New equation to start at the beginning with different numbers.
  5. Select Hint to see some strategies that may help you to work out the answer.