Health and Physical Education / Year 9 and 10 / Personal, social and community health / Making healthy and safe choices

Curriculum content descriptions

plan, rehearse and evaluate strategies for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety or wellbeing may be at risk (AC9HP10P08)

  • critiquing the appropriateness and effectiveness of help and support services available for young people in the local community
  • proposing and practising a range of realistic responses to scenarios where peers are encouraging them to take unnecessary risks, such as in relation to the use of e-cigarettes, cannabis, psychostimulants, opiates or hallucinogens
  • investigating a range of behaviours to determine positive, safe, legal and ethical behaviour when using digital tools and environments and recognising what actions can be taken when behaviour becomes abusive
  • planning and practising responses to emergencies where they may be required to administer first aid to a friend or stranger, including CPR
  • understanding the factors that impact a person’s ability to seek, give or deny consent, including when a person is affected by alcohol and other drugs, or there is an imbalance of power or coercion within the relationship
  • examining practices, policies and processes for ensuring safe blood practices in a range of situations, including not sharing needles, precautions when participating in physical activities and safe practices during sexual activity, including use of condoms and dams
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Internet safety,  Wellbeing,  Help-seeking behaviour,  Safety


Teaching and learning about pornography in Health education

This resource provides insights into the use of pornography by young people with the aim of enabling teachers to identify the extent to which they might teach about this topic within the remit of Health education. The resource provides some ideas for ways to inform parents about what students will be learning about pornography, ...


Decision Making Skills

Through this resource, students learn how to start the decision making process, gather important information, explore alternative decisions and consider consequences, and make and evaluate decisions.


Blood-borne virus safety

Students complete a T/F pre-quiz on blood-borne viruses (BBVs). The 'Laugh and learn' video stimulus and websites (provided) are used to research how BBVs can be transmitted and prevented. Findings are reported via a choice of radio advert/social media post/whole class display.


Safer sex: Condoms

Students use the 'Laugh and learn' video to initiate discussions around safer sex. They develop an understanding of the term 'safer sex' and the importance of using condoms to prevent STIs and pregnancies by brainstorming the reasons why people choose or choose not to use condoms. They list life skills and strategies needed ...


Porn: The who, what, where, when, how, why and why not

Students use the graffiti wall strategy and the 'Laugh and learn' resource to develop an understanding of what porn is, how people may come across porn, why people access porn and its possible harms. Strategies for dealing with unwanted exposure to porn are also discussed.


Sexting: To send or not to send

Students use the Laugh and learn video and a decision mapping process to explore situations where people might be asked to send a sext. Emotional, social, ethical and legal consequences of sending or not sending a sext are unpacked. Western Australian image-based abuse laws and where to go for help are also covered.


Sexually transmissible infections

Students investigate the risks, symptoms and methods of transmission of STIs and safer sex behaviours.


Choices and consequences

Students watch 'Kaiyai Girl', an interactive DVD about an Aboriginal girl, Missy, who is faced with many choices and consequences regarding alcohol and other drugs, and sexual health. Students discuss the options and make informed choices to help Missy stay as safe and as healthy as possible.


Respectful relationships online

Students develop an understanding of cyberbullying and the implications of sharing information online. The resource includes strategies for being a positive bystander.


Ready vs not ready (for sexual activity)

Students discuss, consider and compare different views and perspectives about being ready for sexual activity.


Module 3: Making Money Work

These two activities provide students with practical opportunities to research award wages and practise raising and resolving problems at work.


The YeS Project

The YeS Project is a workshop-based program supporting young people to act as positive leaders and effective friends in all their social spaces, especially online. The resource enables students to learn about their digital communities, and to aim to make improvements to online safety practices and cultures within their ...


Young and eSafe

These short videos and associated lesson plans are designed to help young people create a positive online world and reinforce respectful and responsible online behaviour. Find topics such as Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, Resilience and Critical thinking.



The award-winning short film Tagged is supported by teaching resources that encourage young people to reflect on the real life consequences of cyberbullying, sharing intimate images, and a negative digital reputation.


Be Deadly Online

In this resource, students explore how their digital footprint or reputation builds up over time, and how cyberbullying, sending nudes and sexting can impact themselves, their family and their community. They will discuss the concept of respect in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and how this can ...


Consent & respectful relationships

In this lesson, students learn that consent can take many forms and that there are different ways to ask for and give consent to support respectful relationships. Short videos and discussion questions scaffold the resource.


Young Deadly Free: How to have healthy relationships

This resource includes the This is US series of short videos made to explore challenges and issues in the lives of teenage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Topics include relationships, underage drinking, managing friendships and trouble with the law. An accompanying Teacher Resource includes lesson plans ...


Years 9 and 10: Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This set of learning materials covers eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across the Years 9 and 10 levels of schooling. Topics include Emotional Literacy; Personal strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.


Work sample Year 9 and 10 Health and Physical Education: Decision-making

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 and 10 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


Brontide: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the novel Brontide which is a coming of age story about four teenage boys. This unit provides practical teaching ideas and an assessment task.