Japanese / Year 1 and 2 / Communicating meaning in Japanese / Interacting in Japanese

Curriculum content descriptions

participate in a range of guided, play-based language activities using formulaic expressions, visual and spoken cues (AC9LJ2C02)

  • participating in games, tasks and activities that involve guessing, matching and choosing objects such as Bingo, Snap or Go Fish, using modelled questions and responses, for example, うさぎですか。はい/いいえ。はい、うさぎです/いいえ、うさぎじゃないです。object がすきですか。はい/いいえ。
  • engaging in a group くみたいそう exercise routine with a ‘leader’ repeating words and exercises, or making own routines in groups using simple words, numbers and movements
  • singing and responding to action songs in a group, for example, singing むすんでひらいて、 ひげじいさん、きらきらぼし、 おおきなくりのきのしたで, or practising tongue twisters 早口言葉 such as なまむぎなまごめなまたまご、 あかパジャマきパジャマちゃパジャマ and ラジオたいそう
  • taking part in a guided role-play or skit in a shop or at the market, for example, バナナをください。はい、50えんです。どうぞ。ありがとうございます。
  • teaching a song or simple game to a buddy class or visitors, using familiar language and actions, for example, じゃんけんぽん
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Personal and social capability Personal and Social capability
ScOT terms

Educational games,  Cooperation,  Gestures,  Action songs,  Japanese language

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