Japanese / Year 1 and 2 / Communicating meaning in Japanese / Mediating meaning in and between languages

Curriculum content descriptions

notice that language carries cultural meaning in classroom-related greetings, introductions, instructions and routines (AC9LJ2C04)

  • translating words and familiar phrases used in everyday situations from Japanese into English and vice versa, noticing how some words are shared between Japanese and English or do not have a direct translation, for example, ごちそうさまでした and comparing this type of expression with other languages present within the classroom
  • differentiating between some formal and familiar language, for example, using おはようございます with the teacher and おはよう with classmates
  • creating bilingual wall charts or picture dictionaries for Japanese words and expressions that have particular cultural meaning, such as いただきます or ただいま, using images, labels and drawings
  • discussing respect and politeness in Japan and why titles, suffixes and formal/informal greetings are used, depending on the relationship between participants
  • performing simple presentations for the school community that involve both Japanese and English language elements, such as a video demonstrating culturally appropriate, formal greetings, for example, みなさん、おはようございます and explaining these elements to others
General capabilities
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural Understanding
  • Literacy Literacy
ScOT terms

Translation (Language),  Cultural contexts,  Cultural interaction,  Greetings,  Japanese language


Work sample Year 1 – 2 Japanese: Cultural expressions and gestures pair work

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 1 - 2: Cultural expressions and gestures pair work. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The ...


Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools

The Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols for Victorian Government Schools are applicable to schools intending to develop activities that involve the use of Koorie cultural expressions, including stories, songs, instrumental music, dances, plays, ceremonies, rituals, performances, symbols, drawings, designs, paintings, poetry, ...