Mathematics / Year 4 / Number

Curriculum content descriptions

develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder (AC9M4N06)

  • using and choosing efficient calculation strategies for addition and subtraction problems involving larger numbers; for example, place value partitioning, inverse relationship, compatible numbers, jump strategies, bridging tens, splitting one or more numbers, extensions to basic facts, algorithms and digital tools where appropriate
  • using physical or virtual materials to demonstrate doubling and halving strategies for solving multiplication problems; for example, for \(5 \times 18\), using the fact that double \(5\) is \(10\) and half of \(18\) is \(9\); or using \(10 \times 18 = 180\) and halve \(180\) is \(90\); applying the associative property of multiplication, where \(5 \times18\) becomes \(5 \times 2 \times 9\), then \(5 \times 2 \times 9 = 10 \times 9 = 90\) so that \(5 \times 18 = 90\)
  • using an array to represent a multiplication problem, connecting the idea of how many groups and how many in each group with the rows and columns of the array, and writing an associated number sentence
  • using materials or a diagram to solve a multiplication or division problem, by writing a number sentence, and explaining what each of the numbers within the number sentence refers to
  • representing a multiplicative situation using materials, array diagrams and/or a bar model, and writing multiplication and/or division number sentences, based on whether the number of groups, the number per group or the total is missing, and explaining how each number in their number sentence is connected to the situation
  • using place value partitioning, basic facts and an area or region to represent and solve multiplication problems, such as \(16 \times 4\), thinking \(10 \times 4\) and \(6 \times 4\), \(40 + 24 = 64\) or a double, double strategy where double \(16\) is \(32\), double this is \(64\), so \(16 \times 4\) is \(64\)
  • using materials or diagrams to develop and explain division strategies; for example, finding thirds, using the inverse relationship to turn division into a multiplication
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Associativity,  Commutativity,  Distributivity,  Number operations


Developing flowcharts: Halving strategy

In this lesson, students will create a flowchart outlining the sequence of steps required when using the halving strategy for division. The process of creating the flowchart consolidates the sequential steps required when solving problems and can be found in other learning areas, such as Design and Technologies and Digital ...


ROWCO - Calculate

ROWCO is a card game that will help students practice their addition facts while playing an engaging strategy game.


Cuisenaire Rods Lesson Plan - Calculate

This lessons explores the use of Cuisenaire rods and uses play to introduce them to students.


Additive strategies: Video and teaching guide

This video explores the use of computation strategies, rounding and estimation in real-world, additive situations. Use the video with the supporting teacher guide as a springboard to explore mathematical concepts. A range of strategies such as compensation and partitioning are demonstrated. Estimation and rounding are highlighted ...


Pocket money: Saving for an item

In this lesson, students use efficient strategies when performing calculations involving money. They are guided to use the 4-step problem solving method to support unpacking the problem, generating a plan to solve it, and checking their ability to work mathematically. This is the third in a series of three lessons.


Pocket money: Mathematical modelling

In this lesson, students use mathematical modelling to solve problems that involve financial decisions. Students are guided to use the 4-step problem solving model to support them to unpack the problem, generate a plan to help solve it, and check their ability to work mathematically. They explore different ways to estimate ...


Pocket money: Partitioning money amounts

In this lesson students use efficient strategies when performing calculations involving money. They explore different ways to estimate and calculate the distribution of pocket money. This is the first in a series of three lessons.


reSolve: Multiplication: Trays of Arrays

This sequence of 7 tasks uses the array to explore the distributive and associative properties of multiplication. Students use different strategies to calculate the number of items in arrays, and use mathematical reasoning to explain which strategies are the most useful. Students learn to use the distributive property to ...


Crocodile and Shark (4–6) - Calculate

In this game students practise addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers, using multiple strategies.


Race to... - Calculate

This game challenges students to use their knowledge of place value to add and subtract random numbers in order to meet a target value.


Park Ranger Problem Solving: An ‘Addition & Subtraction’ Rich Task for Years 3–4 - Calculate

The aim of this task is to provide a rich, contextual activity through which students can begin to explore the addition and subtraction of one- and two-digit of numbers in everyday contexts.


Subtraction Year 3 & 4 - Calculate

This activity is designed to encourage students to develop and explain different strategies to solve subtraction problems.


Addition Strategies - Calculate

Regular practise of addition facts can help children build their confidence in maths.


Subtraction Strategies - Calculate

This game gives students opportunities to practice subtraction skills and to learn subtraction strategies, including the jump strategy, the split (or partition) strategy, compensation and the count-up to strategy (sometimes called the Shopkeeper’s method).


Work sample Year 4 Mathematics: Number: addition and subtraction

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 4 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Work sample Year 4 Mathematics: Odd and even

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 4 Mathematics. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Act it out

Students revise and extend the recall of 10x. They describe and continue patterns created from multiplication, and solve multiplication and division problems.


Efficient strategies: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Efficient strategies. Students develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder. They choose and use estimation and rounding to check and ...


Multiplication: 2 digit by 2 digit numbers: video and teaching guide

This video explores multiplicative strategies, methods and models to solve a given worded problem. It uses a scenario of a student helping a sibling to explore and discuss methods for solving the problem: ‘How many months has a 25 year old been alive?’ It shows how prior knowledge is required to know what type of calculation ...


MathXplosion, Ep 2: Double that number

Explore an age-old multiplication method that repeatedly doubles numbers to get a product. Learn how this ancient method of multiplication is similar to that used by modern computers.