Mathematics / Year 4 / Statistics

Curriculum content descriptions

conduct statistical investigations, collecting data through survey responses and other methods; record and display data using digital tools; interpret the data and communicate the results (AC9M4ST03)

  • creating a survey to collect class responses to a preferred movie choice, and recording data responses using spreadsheets; graphing data using a column graph or other appropriate representations and interpreting the results of the survey reporting findings back to the class
  • conducting a statistical investigation and acquiring data from different online sources; for example, using online query interfaces to select and retrieve data from an online database such as weather records, Google Trends or the World Health Organization
  • investigating different contexts in which statistical investigations can take place and the types of questions to ask to collect data relevant to the context; for example, investigating supermarket customer complaints that breakfast cereals with the most sugar are positioned at children’s eye level, discussing what questions they would need to ask and answer
General capabilities
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Numeracy Numeracy
ScOT terms

Data analysis,  Statistical problem solving


reSolve: Sport Stats

In this lesson, students examine sporting scores and explore the concept of the average of a set of scores. Students collect sporting scores from real and hypothetical games, use blocks to visualise an even distribution of scores across matches and then explore how to calculate the average of a set of scores. The lesson ...


TIMES Module 2: Statistics and Probability: data investigation and interpretation, year 4 - teacher guide

This is a 13-page guide for teachers. It continues the development of probability. An informal consideration of outcomes is undertaken.


Honey bees

In this set of learning activities, students explore the problem of declining honey bee populations. The module includes a comprehensive teacher guide, curriculum links, materials lists, design process guides and printable student resource sheets. The resource also provides an editable module template, is supported by online ...


Where’s the mankarr? Video observation data: Part 1

In this first of two lessons, students investigate data from animal observations recorded by a video camera. Students take on the role of ‘researchers’ and use secondary data about an endangered Australian marsupial.


Where’s the mankarr? Recording and visualising data: Part 2

In this second of two lessons, students view a video to record data about the bilby (mankarr). They visualise and interpret the data.


Conduct statistical investigations: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Conduct statistical investigations. Students conduct statistical investigations, collecting data through survey responses and other methods. They record and display data using digital tools, interpret the data and communicate the results of their findings.


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 7

This 2-week unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations. Students are provided opportunities to: identify, describe and apply multiplicative patterns; develop, consolidate and apply derived strategies for multiplication ...


What Are the Chances?

Do you know what chance is? It's the probability or the likelihood of something happening. Watch this video as Grace explains the probability of picking a red marble out of a bowl. What's the probability of picking a green marble?


Numbers Count: Chance and playing with dice

Have you ever played a game that required you to roll a dice? Did you know that you have equal chances of rolling any of the six numbers? Can you think of another experiment where you have an equal chance of getting one result or the other?


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 8: Strawberry milkshake warrior princess

Super heroes have amazing powers. To avert disaster we need a super hero who has intelligence, strength and speed. Which super hero has the right super units of each super power? Compare the super hero bar graphs. Will it be Mega Muscle Man, Atomic Angel, Keyboard Kid or some other super hero? Watch the clip to find out?


Rubbish recording and reduction: Part 1

In this lesson sequence students survey and collect data concerning what is brought to school each day and subsequently becomes rubbish. They then use Excel to represent that data in a variety of different ways.


Rubbish recording and reduction: Part 2

In this lesson sequence students use Excel to represent data in a variety of ways.


Introducing algorithms

In this sequence of lessons, students design a sequence of steps for others to follow. They convey their instructions to peers and evaluate the work of others to determine if the outcome was successful.


For the Juniors: Drawing a floor plan

How do we know what a house will look like before it is built? Discover how house plans work by looking at the design of a house that Hugo's family is going to build. See how a floor plan shows the room layout. See drawings of what the house will look like from different views.


Always, sometimes, never

This is a web resource that includes four student activities focusing on chance and the language associated with chance events, accompanied by activity sheets and a detailed teacher guide for each activity. The activities cover words associated with chance and likelihood, fairness, luck and superstitions, and ordering chance ...


Multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 13

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that multiplicative thinking involves flexible use of multiplication and division concepts, strategies and representations. Students are provided opportunities to: select and apply strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers; investigate ...


Addition and subtraction problems can be solved using a variety of strategies Multi-age 3–6 Year B – Unit 2

This 2-week unit unit develops the big idea that addition and subtraction problems can be solved by using a variety of strategies. Students are provided opportunities to: apply place value understanding to solve addition and subtraction problems; identify the connection between addition and subtraction; select and explain ...


Space Race Game (Introducing Algorithmic Thinking) - Calculate

Space Race is a simple board game that teachers can use to introduce the concept of algorithmic sequencing to students. The teaching points provided with the game assist teachers to introduce the use of an algorithm (a simple set of mathematical instructions) to describe the trajectory of an object across a grid plane from ...



Find out about algorithms. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Our new playground

This set of learning activities encourages students to consider the function of their existing school playground, how movements like sliding, swinging and spinning feature in playground equipment, and design a new piece of equipment to add to the excitement of their playground. The module includes a comprehensive teacher ...