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Media arts / Year 7 and 8

Curriculum content descriptions

Develop and refine media production skills to shape the technical and symbolic elements of images, sounds and text for a specific purpose and meaning (ACAMAM068)

  • creating their own media artworks that fulfil audience expectations because of the way the story is structured, such as including a point of conflict, building characters and achieving a resolution
  • Considering viewpoints – forms and elements: For example – What elements define a genre? How can I create mood and setting through images/sound/framing?
  • exploring genres such as narrative, non-narrative, experimental and documentary and making a trailer in a similar style
  • telling a news story in print and for online publishing and discussing the differences in the structure of content, meaning and delivery between the two media
  • analysing and evaluating the structural choices made in their media artworks by documenting their process in records such as journals, blogs, and video or audio recording
  • Considering viewpoints – evaluations: For example – How are media artworks changed when viewed outside a cultural context? How effective is my image construction in terms of making meaning to me and to others? How can I undertake safe and ethical media practice in online spaces?
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Camera shots,  Composition (Visual arts),  Artistic purpose,  Image manipulation


Snapseed - Google Play app

Retouch, adjust perspective and re-edit your photos with this photoediting tool. Free when reviewed 26/5/2015


Indigenous Australian collection

This federated search from the QAGOMA database features a selection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks from the collection. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, a map of major Indigenous regions in Australia, classroom activities, a glossary ...


Australian collection

This database features a selection of Australian artworks from QAGOMA. The searchable database provides artwork images, background information about the artist and the artwork, classroom activities, a glossary of key terms and curriculum alignment information for teachers. Search results can be refined by theme, period, ...