English / Year 7 / Literacy / Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Curriculum content descriptions

Use prior knowledge and text processing strategies to interpret a range of types of texts (ACELY1722)

  • identifying cause and effect in explanations and how these are used to convince an audience of a course of action
  • inferring the tone and emotional intent of a character in dialogue in a narrative
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Reading,  Text types


Syllabus bites: types of sentences

A web page resource with information, teacher guides and activities on types of sentences to support the Australian Curriculum in English K–10. It has detailed activities, links to resources and quizzes.


Heywire: Volunteers needed! Motivate your audience

We've all been bored by speakers who don't seem to know what their audience might be interested in. As you listen to her Heywire audio clip, explore inspirational 16-year-old Tameika Schultz's skill in appealing to her listeners. Could you write or record a story about yourself and/or your community? The ABC's Heywire competition ...


Syllabus bites: Visual literacy

A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...


BTN: Did you see it? Subliminal advertising

Are you persuaded to purchase products by the advertising you see on TV? If advertising was so subtle that we couldn't distinguish it from the content of the shows we watch, what effect might this have? Watch this clip and find out how some advertisers are using hidden messages to advertise products and influence our purchasing ...


Heywire: Inspirational Teens

Have you ever made a big contribution to your local community? Heywire is a national competition that assists young people to make a difference in rural communities. Bridie Johnstone from Woodend, Victoria, was a finalist of the 2012 Heywire storytelling competition for young people. Listen to how she is using music to ...


Improving year 7 literacy performance

This teacher resource describes a successful strategy developed by Seymour P-12 College in Victoria to improve year 7 students' performance in reading beyond the expected maturational increment. This was achieved through changes in timetabling; allocating students to classes based on current reading levels; and reducing ...


The Structure and Features of Persuasive Texts

In this learning sequence Year 7 students learn about how text structures and language features can become more complex in persuasive texts. They also learn that the coherence of more complex texts relies on devices that create structure. This learning sequence is the third of four sequences within a larger unit of work ...


All the Ways to Sway: Exploring and Creating More Complex Persuasive Texts

This learning sequence aims to develop Year 7 students' understandings of persuasive language, focussing on the way punctuation, vocabulary and sentence complexity can contribute to a compelling argument. It aims to equip students with the skills to engage critically with their world by developing a persuasive metalanguage ...


The Language of Cause and Effect

This resource provides the language related to cause and effect (nouns, subordinating conjunctions, verbs) and some exercises so that students can practice identifying cause and effect and signal words associated with each. The resource could be used to support students struggling with this aspect of English and Humanities ...


Work sample Year 7 English: Picture book

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 7 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...


Ubby’s Underdogs: Heroes Beginnings. Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the novel Ubby’s Underdogs: Heroes Beginnings. This graphic novel explores themes of Aboriginal history and culture, courage, Chinese history, corruption, feminism, First Nations texts, friendship, inter-cultural relationships and teenage gangs. This unit provides practical ...


The Bone Sparrow: A Novel Study

This learning sequence aims to develop students’ understandings of a broad range of literary and multimodal texts. It aims to equip students with the skills to analyse how language can be used to convey ideas and emotions, to engage in deep comprehension and analysis, and to identify the strategies employed by authors of ...


Book Review Writing

This guide is designed to help students to develop skills in terms of evaluating text. A series of questions guides students through sections about structure, content, judgement of characters and their actions and how to express opinions about a book.


How to write a book review

British author Luisa Plaja offers her top tips for how to write a book review.


Rebecca Lim's spooky themes

Do you enjoy reading spooky stories? Listen to Rebecca Lim as she describes how her half-memories, reading experiences and imagination come together to inspire her.


Crafting character

This sample learning sequence explores the concept of character as well as the impact of point of view. Students will learn how character, first person point of view, events and setting are combined within the short story form to create a narrative that reflects particular values. Students explore how figurative language, ...


Vampyre: Unit of work

This unit of work has been written to support the picture story book Vampyre. The book is told from the point of view of a vampire who is entering young adulthood with the responsibilities that come at that time in life. It shows the struggle to be an individual and find your identity. This unit provides practical teaching ...


Creating cartoons

The resource focuses on discussing, analysing and explaining a variety of cartoons in a variety of print and digital texts. It will enhance visual literacy skills in a range of media texts. Students have the opportunity to create cartoons to share with others. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.


Hannie Rayson on the Australian voice in theatre

How important do you think it is to hear Australian stories told on stage? Listen as Hannie Rayson explains her early beliefs about where great drama comes from. After watching this clip, try writing a dramatic scene that takes place at a family barbeque.


Stories without words

Learn how Australian story-teller, artist and academy award winner, Shaun Tan uses emotive illustrations to tell a story. You will also create your own character and tell a story using illustration.