Civics and citizenship / Year 10 / Civics and Citizenship Skills / Questioning and research

Curriculum content descriptions

Identify, gather and sort information and ideas from a range of sources and reference as appropriate (ACHCS096)

  • conducting an opinion poll using information technologies and analysing the results
  • referencing a range of sources using an appropriate referencing system
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Referencing,  Information literacy


Aboriginal peoples and the media

Students explore the key role that the media plays in today’s society, in particular its impact on a range of non-Aboriginal peoples’ perceptions of Aboriginal peoples, cultures and contemporary issues. The representation of Aboriginal peoples and cultural images from pre-invasion to today are investigated and compared. ...


Utopian Monologues

In this teaching activity, students are introduced to the idea of a “utopia”—an idealized society. Students will read Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and examine the concepts behind his vision of an ideal society. Students then compare the ideas in Utopia with those found in the Bill of Rights. They will then write and perform ...


The Australian Dream: Resilience and reconciliation

This clip looks at casual racism in Australia, including some infamous incidents throughout Adam Goodes’s playing career that shook the nation. Adam showed a great deal of resilience and courage throughout this difficult time. Look at how many Australians stood with Adam, letting him know they valued his leadership and ...