Italian / Year 9 and 10 / Communicating / Informing

Curriculum content descriptions

Convey information and compare diverse perspectives from multiple sources in Italian

[Key concepts: public perceptions, representation, globalisation; Key processes: reporting, relating, comparing]


  • reporting on current events and topics related to personal worlds, through reports, summaries, biographies or journal entries, for example, presenting a profile of a favourite artist or a famous person; or reporting the findings of a survey (Il documentario … presenta la storia di …, l’articolo parla di …, rappresenta il punto di vista di …, [lo scrittore] pensa …; La maggior parte di/la minor parte di/il 20 per cento di persone [+ verb] …; entrambi, tutti/pochi studiano ogni sera; a differenza di, però; Il depliant australiano sottolinea di più )
  • connecting and presenting information showing varying perspectives, such as child/adult, Australian/Italian, insider/outsider or rural/urban, using present, past and future tenses as appropriate, for example, Il mondo è pieno di cibi diversi; ci sono bambini che hanno poco da mangiare
  • conveying information and justifying personal opinions with evidence from the text, for example, Mi è piaciuto molto l’articolo perché
  • creating a poster, blog or advertisement to promote awareness of a particular issue, event or behaviour, such as recycling, conservation, sustainability, healthy food choices, sport and fitness options
  • presenting information about the movement of people globally, including to and from Italy, for example, comparing stories of migration, or the phenomenon of asylum seekers in Italy and in Australia
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
Cross-curriculum priorities
ScOT terms

Political attitudes,  Italian language,  Current affairs

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