Digital technologies / Year 7 and 8 / Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Curriculum content descriptions

Plan and manage projects that create and communicate ideas and information collaboratively online, taking safety and social contexts into account (ACTDIP032)

  • establishing a set of ‘rules’ about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour when collaborating online, considering how different social contexts affect participation in global virtual spaces, including considering the use of language, acronyms and humour, for example only applying tags to images of other people with their permission or considering social protocols of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • creating web-based information to meet specific needs, for example modifying an existing website template or using web-authoring software including using HTML and cascading style sheets (CSS) to create a website that allows customers to interact with an enterprising solution
  • discussing policies about the use of information systems in a range of settings, for example using mobile phones for learning and accessing social media websites at school
  • organising the instructions and files in readiness for implementation of a solution, for example applying a file naming convention to all data files that are going to be used to create solutions
  • documenting and sequencing the tasks that need to be done, and the resources that are needed to collaboratively create solutions including organising the timeline, devising file naming conventions and planning backup measures
  • devising and applying protocols to manage the collaborative creation of solutions, for example planning to use cloud computing to store common files and establishing virtual meetings that acknowledge time zone differences
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social capability Personal and social capability
  • ICT capability Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
ScOT terms

Cooperation,  Information management,  Social media,  Creativity,  Digital citizenship


ACARA sample assessment task: years 7-8

This resource provides strategies for assessing students' understanding of the ways in which data can be sourced, organised and represented to maximise options for analysis, evaluation, decomposition and visualisation in order to create digital solutions. The context of the resource is the liveability of the places in which ...


Digital citizenship

Find out about Digital citizenship. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


User interface

Find out about User interface. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Systems thinking

Find out about Systems thinking. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Digital systems

Find out about Digital systems. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years 7-8 Sample Assessment Task: Digital Systems - Student activity guide

The Years 7-8 assessment task focuses on digital systems (integrating Digital Technologies and Science). The digital systems assessment task activity guide can teach and assess students’ understanding of how digital systems can be used to monitor the classroom learning environment. Students will learn how to create environmental ...


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years 7-8 Sample Assessment Task: Digital Systems

The Years 7-8 assessment task focuses on digital systems (integrating Digital Technologies and Science). The digital systems assessment task provides a scaffold to teach about and assess students’ understanding of how digital systems can be used to monitor the classroom learning environment. learn how to create environmental ...


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies key concepts mapping: years 7-8

This PDF uses colour coding to provide a line of sight between key concepts, content descriptions and achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies: years 7-8

This PDF provides a line of sight from content descriptions to achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.


Work sample Years 7 and 8 Digital Technologies: Digital project: website design

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Years 7 and 8 Digital Technologies. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic ...


Years 7–8: Collaborative data project

This scope and sequence unit provides an opportunity for students to apply the data-analysis skills from the ‘Working with data’ unit in the context of a digital solution designed, developed and evaluated collaboratively.


Digital technology and managing Indigenous astronomical knowledge

Digital technology provides a range of different ways to communicate cultural knowledge and practices, explore a range of digital tools that bring the stars closer to the world of your students. In these classroom activities students will use digital programs like Stellarium to investigate Indigenous astronomical knowledge ...


Exploring AR Space Rocks

In this lesson, students undertake a research project about “space rocks”. They devise a research question to investigate something they would like to know about space rocks and communicate their ideas within an AR or Virtual Reality (VR) experience.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Javascript - Space Invaders

In this coding challenge, students learn about programming in JavaScript, including data representation, decomposition, design, branching, iteration, functions, variables, animations, tracing and evaluation.


AR Solar System with Metaverse

In this lesson, students explore our Solar System in Augmented Reality (AR). Students start by exploring a set of AR flashcards that present the Sun and Planets in our Solar System and then go on to use the Metaverse App to create their own AR solar system experience based on research.


Building a virtual tour about Uluru

In this lesson, students create a 360 educational Google Tour about Uluru and the Aboriginal peoples who are the traditional owners of the land.


Home automation: General purpose programming

Investigate home automation systems, including those powered by artificial intelligence (AI) with speech recognition capability. These suggested activities for year levels 7-8 are designed for students using general purpose programming languages JavaScript and Python, with similar content to the visual coding lesson Home ...


When I post something online how permanent is it?

Students engage in a photo rip up activity to emphasize the permanency of online information, they explore factor trees, doubling and line graphs through the lens of sharing information, and they collaboratively develop a set of protocols around sharing information online.


Weather forecast from the stratosphere

This lesson sequence is designed to introduce students to data analysis using a spreadsheet such as MS Excel. The project is based on a real world problem and a real data set from a weather balloon launched in Australia earlier this year. The project consists of 5 lessons of variable length, each with a different focus. ...


Scratch Creative Computing Guide

There is also a series of units comprising learning activities, paired with assessment activities and templates that can be used to support use of the Scratch (MIT) platform. The Scratch Creative Computing Guide supports assessment activities with visual programming environments.